[img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I3QncbCWDeU/T_hGGdzEJVI/AAAAAAAAOvA/mfxSA_WJN6M/s1600/Yakuza+%2816%29.jpg[/img] Appearence: She stands at 5'6" and sports a dragon tattoo on her back as well as a tattoo of a black widow on her right shoulder. She is a japanese woman and is often found wearing a black leather outfit with her hair done up in a ponytail. With her is her tanto, a gift from her father. It rested in place at its belt at her back. She carried with her a single pistol. A .45 automatic that was custom made with a chrome casing with a blue trim. It had the design of a hour glass into it's grip. Holding up her hair was a long black stick made of plastic. It had a red hour glass in its design and was sharp at the point. She often wore black make up about her eyes. Name: Takihashi "Black Widow" Fujisaka Age: 34 Biography: Takihashi, also known as Taki, was born as the daughter of the Fujisaka family. This family is know for its notorious crimes involving the Japanese mafia or Yakuza. Although pretty and quite seductive, she is no lotus flower. She is ruthless when dealing in her father's affairs. She was not like her fathers other daughters. Because of her father not having any sons to take over the family business should he die, Takihashi was given the mantle as heir to his empire. She was taught and trained as such. Her dragon tattoo was just a sign of her coming of age, the ritual that would bind her to the crime family. She was then given control of a good portion of her father's business. It did not take long before she was given her nickname. For she could lure men in and when she had gotten what she wanted dispose of them. She even got a bit of a amusement to it, except she had been exposed to one of the other families who where located in New York. She meet with them to discuss business many times, but when he entered her life it all changed. She had lived for twenty years not ever really wanting anything but to honor her family, but this one moment she finally wanted something for herself. However, the man she wanted was trusted to someone else. She hated it and despised the woman who stole him from her. They even already loved each other which made her hate her even more. She made several plans to tear them apart but her father continued to bring her to her senses. She did meet with the man quite a lot though trying to influence him. Each meeting did not end like she wanted it to. They ended well, but not well enough. All he saw her as was a friend nothing more. It was a start but at this rate he would marry her rival before she could take him for herself. This aggravated her even more but she never gave up. Always chasing after him. Her father even rooted for her on the sidelines but always cautioned her to not take it too far. [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ae/b2/06/aeb206d56fdfc804dd7f26bfd992e199.jpg[/img] Appearance: Her stands at 6'4" and weighs roughly 300 pounds. His skin is that of your typical Mexican. He does carry a few tattoos about his body. He does not dress in any fancy clothing like most of the people in the big apple. Just some black jeans and a plaid button shirt often accompanied by the orange vest of a construction worker. Although not as fit look as a body builder, he does carry with him a lot of muscle and it can be seen in his arms. Name: Romero Alvarez Age: 54 Biography: Romero came to the states to escape the cheap labor of his home country south of the border. He went from state to state looking for work and trying to get by. When he got laid off he moved to another state and tried there. He had went to five of six states do this but grabbed a more permanent job in construction in the big apple. Work was plenty for a big Mexican like himself. He rather enjoyed it despite the dangers of the city. He wasn't afraid though. If someone came at him he wasn't afraid to put them down in the dirt, for good if he had to. One occasion did so happen. Some punk white kid pointed a switch blade at him demanding the money in his pocket. Romero warned the boy that it would take more then the puny blade to get him to fork over his hard earned money. The dumb ass teen persisted in trying to get his money. The idiot didn't even see the giant sledge hammer he was carrying. When the boy charged in attempt to stab him in the kidney, Romero slammed the fifty pound hammer into the man's head. The blow didn't just knock the kid to the ground, it pretty much brained him to point the kid was twitching on the ground. Funny thing was no body cared. Nobody called the cops. Nobody stopped to try and see if the kid was alright. Everyone ignored the scene and went about their normal day life. Romero regretted having to do it but he had to. He did what was needed to survive. He had grand kids back in Mexico that depended on him. With that he just let out a sigh and continued on to his roach infest apartment.