“You might come to regret that offer,” Carys flashed her teeth in a teasing grin, shifting her weight to one foot and resting the other on her calf. “I’ve been told I’m like a fungus. A particularly enthusiastic strain, no less.” Fingers combing her hair off her face and into a semblance of order, she couldn’t help the widening grin as Chase fumbled over the phone provider, looking as though he’d shoved his foot halfway down his throat. Teeth sinking into her lower lip to suppress her laughter, Carys found herself strangely charmed. Fumbling was leaps and bounds better than aggressive posturing. “Here, give me a sec,” Carys placed the helmet he’d leant her on the back seat of his bike. Twisting her bag to dig through it, she scoured it for something useful. Bobby pins, empty altoids tin, her wallet, loose change, there! Withdrawing a pen, she reached forward and caught his wrist. Pulling the cap off with her teeth, she wrote her number on the back of his hand, taking care not to dig too sharply into his flesh. Adding her name with large, looping letters, she looked up at Chase with a wide grin. “I’d appreciate it,” she dropped his hand, capping her pen and dropping it back into her purse. “Thanks so much, for everything. Moving here’s been kind of…” she trailed off, making a motion with her hand, as if that described it. “Well, it’s been a lot. It’s nice to not be [i]totally[/i] lost.”