[hider=Frederica Bernhardt][center][b][color=8dc73f]Name:[/color][/b] Frederica Bernhardt [b][color=8dc73f]Age:[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GpTXjFs.jpg[/img] The pic above shows her normal battle regalia. Her soul gem in this form turns into the eye patch over her eye. Her soul gem is a bright purplish tint, turning slowly to a darker shade of purple as she uses her powers. [b][color=8dc73f]Nationality:[/color][/b] German [b][color=8dc73f]Personality:[/color] [/b] She doesnt speak much, nor does she emote very well. Her first thought would first be her mission, and then of others. After the death of her friend, a magical girl who had saved her from a witch, she had grown to dislike company, treating them as a nuisance. If ever possible, she would be the first to take down a witch, so no one else has to fight, and experience what she had once did. [b][color=8dc73f]Afflictions:[/color] [/b] - [b][color=8dc73f]Wish:[/color][/b] "I wish... I wish I have power. Enough power so other magical girls do not have to suffer like this. Power to take their burdens and suffering away." [b][color=8dc73f]Biography: [/color][/b] Once upon a time, there was a naive girl in a nondescript town. Her life was simple, a routine of waking up, doing whatever needs to be done for the day, and at almost the same time every night, she goes to sleep, only to awaken the next day, and continue the cycle. There were bumps and waves in her life, but it was one that could be called ordinary. Ordinary. Not one of SUFFERING. On one of her ordinary days, she found another world, and met a girl. In this world, she learned of SUFFERING. In this world, she learned of PAIN. In this world, she learned of DEATH. In the end, the girl she found and befriended, found DEATH as well. In the end, only DEATH accompanied her, as she held her friend in her arms. In the end, though they both SUFFERED, though that friend ended a source of PAIN and SUFFERING, she remained alone. With naught but DEATH in her arms. Distraught, she cried out to the heavens, cursing this END, cursing this FATE, cursing this WORLD. Though her friend has bested a fiend, a witch, a black being who sought to bring SUFFERING onto others, she herself had SUFFERED. What hope was there, if even her friend, one who only wished for the best, who had received PAIN, who had received SUFFERING meant for her, had perished under the darkness? In the depth of her SUFFERING, an ANGEL descended upon her, granting her POWER, granting her PURPOSE, granting her HOPE. With POWER granted upon her, no one else should have to feel the PAIN and SUFFERING she did. [b][color=8dc73f]Skills:[/color][/b] She doesnt really have that many skills. But most notable of them all is her eye for distance, and her throwing arm, honed through practice and constant nagging by her schoolmates to act as replacement for this or that club, mostly the baseball club. [b][color=8dc73f]Threads of Fate: [/color][/b] 3 [b][color=8dc73f]Magical Weapon: [/color][/b] She can create solid blades, though creating a lot of them doesn't seem that practical, so often she would only make two at the most. Her best weapon is the dual turrets mounted on her lower back, which doesn't require that much energy to shoot. [b][color=8dc73f]Experience: [/color][/b] 3 [b][color=8dc73f]Magical Ability: [/color][/b] [color=9e0b0f](Core)Through Agony,Determination: [/color] As one who strives to end suffering and accept them unto herself, she gets stronger with each wound she receives, even going so far as to be unable to fight efficiently without having first sustained a wound. With every blow stuck upon her, her resolve and power grows stronger, and with even the odds stacked against her, her ability allows her to completely overturn the odds, rebelling against the flow. [color=f7976a](Secondary)Through Pain, We Live: [/color] Her suffering not only makes her stronger, but gives her the odd ability to direct and accept suffering. Accepting them means she could take in most wounds directed at another person, with the person only receiving a fraction of the wound that would be inflicted upon them. However, should the wound inflicted be obviously fatal, the link would sever, and the person would die while Frederica remains unscathed. This also means she could direct suffering onto others should she have a mind to. However, she will take the brunt of all the wounds inflicted upon her, though whoever she directs them to would still take a good part of it. Like the other type of link, should she receive a wound that is obviously fatal to her, the link would sever instantly, leaving the other person untouched by that fatal blow. Both forms need her to actually touch whoever she wants to use this ability on. [color=f7976a](Secondary)Through Suffering, Victory: [/color] Separate from her core ability and yet connected to it, is her ability to store up black energy from every blow she receives. It accumulates as she suffers, and decays quickly when she does not. As such, she has to be actually injured to even be able to use this ability. With very little magic from her, she could use this to wreath herself or her weapons in black energy, giving them a greater destructive power as well as being able to actually form it into a solid shape should she need to. [b][color=8dc73f]Signature and Finisher:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=8dc73f]██████:[/color][/b] 14% [/center][/hider]