Alia took one last look at Edric before going over to help Xavalzo with the rubble. She got to work pulling away some of the smaller bits and pieces, then occasionally using a spell to levitate a larger piece of rubble away and set it down gently. The spell was simple, but it took quite a bit of energy each time. The job was quickly finished, though, and Alia sat down to regain her strength. Xavalzo had gone off to explore the new area, leaving Alia to watch over Edric. Speaking of Edric, he had begun to look awfully pale and sweaty. At first, Alia hoped he hadn't gotten sick or anything, although she knew that such a thing happening so quickly was highly unlikely. Then Edric awoke with a fright, panting heavily. [i][color=f7976a]Must've been a nightmare,[/color][/i] Alia thought as she looked at him in concern. In an attempt to comfort Edric and make the situation a bit less awkward, Alia placed a hand on Edric's shoulder, gently rocking him ever so slightly, and soothingly said, "[color=f7976a]Hey, It's all right, you're fine. Whatever you saw in that dream of yours isn't real. You're not weak.[/color]" Alia actually wasn't sure about that last part, but she wasn't one to judge. She wasn't exactly an Arch Mage, after all.