As his hand slowly begins to fall from Aoba's wing, the angel himself steps forward further into his reach and without a word, takes hold of his hand with his smaller, softer one. A thrill races through the demon and he shivers slightly. The proximity of the smaller male begins wiping away his sadness and, as he moves even closer, his other hand coming up to rest on his shoulder, Kuro gets lost in the moment. The pains from the past fall away and all he can see is the angel before him, looking at him, returning to him, holding him. He wants to wrap the man up in an embrace and never let him go, but instead he schools himself and waits to see what Aoba does. It is worth the wait. The first hesitant touches of those soft, warm lips are enough to shatter his control, but the faint feeling of pure energy tainting the kiss reminds him firmly of just what ravishing the little angel would do to them both and he manages to do nothing more than bringing his free hand up to rest on the man's cheek, his fingertips gently caressing the smooth skin it's finds there. For most people, they would call the feeling of Aoba showing them such affection “heaven”, but as Kuro is a demon without a heart all he can really equate it to is a light feeling of bliss. He feels aroused, and needy, and he knows there is more he should be feeling, but for now a strong fondness is all that fills his chest as he moves his lips against Aoba's, returning the kiss with fervor. Rather more quickly than he would have liked, the angel pulls back and Kuro's hand falls to his side, his body keyed up and demanding he draw the man back up against him, but feeling the faint shake in his movements against his shoulder he simply takes hold of his arms in a steadying motion, willing him to feel better quickly so that they can move forward. He's not quite sure which way that is for now, nor how to go about it, but he knows for certain he wants to go there. He listens silently to Aoba, not letting him go too far when he stand up properly as he can't seem to force his hands to let go of the man's arms. He feels warmer and warmer the more he hears and joy races through him like a fierce storm when he repeatedly says that he's happy at the farm, and that he definitely wants to stay. [i]'I can't believe it, it's really true. He's gonna stay, and he wants to be here, and I. . .I get to keep him. . .'[/i] Smiling wide he nods, scooping Aoba up once more, nuzzling his neck cutely as he walks them towards the bath. “You didn't ruin a thing Aoba.” he murmurs, smiling teasingly down at the younger male. “In fact, you have had quite a. . .Rousing effect on the situation.” He smirks, kissing the angel's neck gently before setting him down beside the tub. Setting to work quickly he gets the fire going and the water running in a matter of minutes before finally striping down while he waits for the tub to fill. They've had a few baths since first moving in, and normally he would be at least pretend polite and wait until right before they climb in to disrobe, but with all the interference from Dani during many of those sessions, and the low, low chance that they will get many times like this alone together in the foreseeable future, Kuro doesn't want to waste even a moment on false modesty. He knows nothing's going to happen, that the angel is still to pure and innocent and shy for anything to truly progress, but he wants the man to know the effect he has on the demon for future reference and feels no shame in wandering around in such a state. ~*~*~*~*~ Fenrir thought he was used to this by now. He's been watching them for a while after all, and while he's tried to give them privacy when they are not clothed, he's always been a bit nervous when they both are at the same time. His stomach flip-flops as he sees the progression from kisses to nuzzling to Kuro walking around nude and proud to stand by Aoba next to the tub in such a state. [i]'The last thing I've ever wanted to see is you with a stiffy, Kuro. . .'[/i] He shudders, but keeps his eyes on the scene, hoping that the demon has enough sense to keep it in his pants. Figuratively of course.