Rei listens, ready to hear any kind of explanation. He wants to know, to learn, to move on from this confusion to some kind of understanding. Alessandro however decides to go with the experimental option and Rei nods in agreements, ready to continue trying. [i]'The more I feel it, the more I will be able to identify and understand it. If I can learn this, then maybe I will be able to learn other things. To progress, to move on. . .Not just in my mind, but. . .But in other parts of myself. . .'[/i] He takes a slow breath, watching the man closely. Shivering slightly at the feeling of the hands on his cheeks Rei nods slowly. “I understand Alessandro.” he murmurs, wondering why the feeling of the man's hands somehow seems stronger now. In some strange way it seems to affect him more. What the effect is, he knows not, however he is more intent now than ever before to find these things out. His normally completely well organized, alert mind feels both more scattered and more focused. It's not enough to scare him away, but as the prince leans back in he wonders just how simple touches can have such an effect, and why anyone would seek them out. Lips are upon his own again. Warm, soft, moving ever so slightly. The brushing touches send shiver though his body and he tries to focus on them, to understand them. However, then a hand begins moving to new places and his mind and body both are caught between following the new feelings, and reveling in the old ones. Unable to decide he simply lets out a small sound and lets his concentration split. His lips move slightly against Alessandro's and he recalls the prince telling him to do what he feels like doing, not just sitting there accepting the affections. He repeats the action, his own hands coming up between them to settle against the bare flesh they find there. The hand against his back pulls him in closer and the fae shifts, allowing his body to be moved while letting out another soft noise as his body seems to light on fire from the inside out. He can not know that this is a strong reaction to such simple things, nor that most people would not be nearly as responsive. He's never been taught these things. No one has bothered to tell him about intimacy. The assassins never thought it something worth teaching, and the fae. . .Well, none wanted to come close to him, so they could never teach him anyways. A rushing heat moves about him to all the places Alessandro is touching, a concentrated burn in his stomach and loins making him shift a little, squirming as he tries desperately to hold on to the moment and not fall away into the heat seeking to consume him. His hands slide a little higher, clutching the prince's shoulders firmly, and he shifts in a little closer, his lips gently trying to mimic what Alessandro is doing, to try and learn, to understand. His breath has quickened, coming through his nose as his lips are occupied, and he begins feeling like he's wearing far to many articles of clothing. They seems to be in the way and he wonders if he can keep kissing the man [i]and[/i] get his top off.