[h3][center]Edelweiss - Just outside the City of Alpenrose[/center][/h3] [center]Rayne & Miya[/center] It was a cold day indeed, in Edelweiss. The winters in the country were always cold, but for a certain demon samurai, she found herself enjoying the days chill. She had never been one fond of warmer weather, and the cold suited her just fine, even though she grew up in a warmer area. Saika Miyano, or Miya as she preferred her friends to call her, had been up since dawn almost. She had always been an early riser, though that may have just been habit from the training she received. What wasn't part of her training though, was her habit of carving little masks in her spare time. A little art she picked being basically banished from her home. It started as a little something just help cure boredom on her travels, but in the two and a half years or so since being kicked out the craft had grown on her. She was currently sitting on the ground, leaning against the tree with her carving knife in her right hand, whittling away at the chunk of wood she was carving it from, a cup of her and her travel partners last bit of alcohol next to her. She briefly wondered if Rayne was up yet. If she was, they could head into town already and get some more supplies. She was terrible at hunting, and was feeling rather lazy, so it was out of the question. Ahh...maybe she'd go bother Rayne to make her something. She definitely wasn't going to be doing any cooking herself, even if she was rather decent at it, she didn't particularly enjoy it. But then again, she didn't really find anything too thrilling aside from clashing her sword with another or training. Which is one reason why she was grateful to have met Rayne. The older woman was definitely a skilled swordsman. Hell, she had completely trounced her, and she liked to think she was pretty good. The two had been traveling together for a few months now, and she had re-learned something she had slowly forgotten since being exiled. There was always someone stronger than you out there, no matter how good you thought you were. Yeah, she learned that after getting her ass kicked after trying to rob the girl. After that, and a few other misadventures, she asked the other girl to train her. It was obvious from her movements and the fact she had lost so easily the girl was a master. Miya didn't like to pry into other's pasts, but Rayne had to believe that if she still had both of her arms, that she was easily one of the best swordsman in all of Genesis. Actually, she might still be the best swordsman in all of Genesis. She was certainly good enough. Well, whatever it was she had finished carving the mask. It was a...well,[url=http://cdn.idigitaltimes.com/sites/idigitaltimes.com/files/2015/10/21/majoras-mask-halloween.jpg]odd[/url] looking thing to say the least. Two big eyes, shaped like a heart with four spikes on either of the bottom sides and two pointing straight up. Sometimes she had to wonder where she got the ideas for these things from. She had certainly never seen something like it before. Well, whatever. She tossed the mask aside, and grabbed the cup of alcohol, downing it quickly. She should get back to camp then, see if Rayne was indeed awake. With a stretch, she pocketed her knife and walked back to where they had set up camp. [hr] Opening an eye she sighed, getting up she looked to the left of her and saw Miya was quick to get up. She grinned slightly, getting up and stretching her arm [color=fff79a]"I dont know how she does it, I'd kill to wake up with as much energy as that girl sometimes..."[/color] she peeked her head outsite their tent and saw she wasn't around, meaning she was probably not to far but just enjoying the bitter cold air. Putting her head back into the tent to avoid the cold, she quickly went into her bag and put on what she could [url=http://www.clothing.demobaza.com/images/products/648_1_woman%20web_2%20copy.jpg]find[/url] to make herself a little warmer. Putting on the hood, she began packing a bag for herself and then for Miya. It was felt nice these past couple of months having her around, it reminded her of faces far past gone and forgotten but Rayne didn't forget the comfort she felt when it came to having another person around. Grabbing her sword, she quickly slid it into a back holster on the back of her waist, sliding her sword out to check it quickly, before putting it back into it's sheath, she grabbed both bags and left the tent. Dropping the bags, she went back in to find their stash of foods and spices, coming back out and putting the pot on the fire pit Miya had made. Snapping, a buzz could be felt standing next to Rayne, before fire appeared under the pan. Cracking eggs into the pot, she put enough for the both of them to eat, before adding more stuff and sitting while it cooked, she tapped her right leg and glanced over to her missing left arm, feeling a twang of phantom pain It didn't take long for Miya to make her way back to camp. By the time she could see Rayne, she could already smell the food being cooked. It definitely put speed in her steps as she walked back, looking eager to eat Rayne's cooking. As she approached she saw her friend sitting close to the fire, waiting for it to finish. [color=00aeef]"Morning."[/color] Miya replied, a small smile displayed on her face. [color=00aeef]"Sorry, but I drank the last of the alcohol just now. We'll need some more if we're going into town."[/color] She informed her, taking a seat next to the Tengu. Honestly, between the two of them she was surprised they didn't run out of drink more often. She felt a twitch in her hand and she smiled [color=fff79a]"Of course you did, damn you demons. This time you'll get to pay for it then"[/color] she started dicing the eggs in the pan [color=fff79a]"Mind grabbing us plates, forgot those, and cups too, might as well finish what we have and get more while we're there, kill two birds with one stone."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Oh like you weren't drinking most of it last night."[/color] She chuckled, grabbing the plates and cups. [color=00aeef]"But fine, I'll buy some more when we're in town. If I have enough money, anyways."[/color] She placed the plates where Rayne could reach them. [color=00aeef]"We should probably find some work in town while we're at it."[/color] Of course, they could always not and just rob some poor guy on the road. She wasn't against that either. [color=fff79a]"Hey it's for the pain, just cause it happened a long time ago doesn't mean i dont need to self-medicate"[/color] she laughed a little before putting the food on a plate for Miya and passing her the plate, then pouring some of the juice that was left. Putting some a plate for herself, she remembered Miya's bag and moved the bag next to her. [color=fff79a]"You should have enough in there, I put some of what I got from the last job for you to get thigns for yourself, count the alchohol as repayment"[/color] she took a bite out of the food [color=fff79a]"You aren't wrong though, we do need to get a job or move on to the next town if we cant get a decent one."[/color] Thinking more [color=fff79a]"I just hope someone wealthy doesn't pass us by"[/color] she smirked looking at Miya. Miya gratefully accepted the plate of food, bowing her head slightly in thanks as Rayne passed it to her. [color=00aeef]"Hehe, maybe if we're lucky, they'd be carrying enough so that we could by all the alcohol we wanted for the rest of our life."[/color] Of course, she doubted they'd ever run across anyone that wealthy. Not to mention, they were a bit too close to a town for comfort for her usual banditry shenanigans. [color=00aeef]"Pretty sure it shouldn't too hard to find work though."[/color] Someone was always in need of an extra sword, it just depended on if they could find that person, and if they didn't mind that kind of work, whatever it was. Finishing her food, she sat up and stretched, picking up her glass and plate and putting them back into the tent, she went inside to make sure that things were okay, pulling out what needed to be put away, collapsing the big tent, it folded itself quickly [color=fff79a]"Thank god we bought this before it got popular, i've seen the prices and holy hell, sell half my soul for this thing and my first born for all the extra things we got."[/color] Putting the other things away, she began hiding them "We'll have to come this way regardless of if we get a job, might as well leave them here, less weight to carry, mind putting that fire out for me? You're weapons should be over there as well too." [color=00aeef]"Yep, I got the fire."[/color] She replied, quickly dousing it, going to retreive her weapons after. She strapped both of them to where they belonged. Makaze, a lighter, slightly smaller Katana at her side, and Akaiittou. A larger Katana on her back. The entire sword was huge, for a katana, not to mention the thick, heavy but still sharp blade. It was a sword she typically had to wield with two hands, to get the full potential of. Her hands lingered on the blade, only for a moment as she brefily remmebered her old friend, but qucikly dismissed it. [color=00aeef]"Well, let's get going. Still got a bit of a walk to go." [/color]She said, after making sure her weapons were secured. And with that, her and Rayne set off towards Alpenrose [center]Edelweiss - The City of Alpenrose[/center] It didn't take the duo long to reach the city, only being about a fifteen minutes walk outside of the town. It was rather uneventful as well, aside from some smalltalk between the two swordswomen, though as usual Miya wasn't too keen on talking all that much unless it was important, save for some friendly banter here and there. Miya was glad to be back in a city after so long. She loved the outdoors as much as anyone else, probably more so, but it was always nice to return to the more civilized parts of the world. Though, she couldn't say she was entirely fond of the giant cities with those giant skyscrapers, being from a small rural place. She still got lost in those giant cities sometimes. [color=00aeef]"So first, we obviously buy Alcohol."[/color] Miya said to her friend as they walked down the cobblestone street. That was only partially a joke, considering she did think drinking was one of their biggest expenses. Of course, that was before she heard something. Some sort of commotion further down the street, the sound of a gun firing and even people running. Her eyes narrowed, a small frown on her face as she turned to Reyna. [color=00aeef]"Sounds like trouble."[/color] It was obviously none of their business what was going on, but she being who she was, couldn't just leave - so she headed down the street to investigate, moving at a light jog with her hand on Mikaze, not checking to see if Reyna was even following.