Forewarning: This roleplay is only for those who can post at least a paragraph and a half per post if the situation provides enough content to do so. Meaning characterization per post is required. In other words high casual roleplay warning. Also while extremely similar to the actual plot of Vesperia and employing most of the cities in game it will not be a carbon copy of the game. === Setting of the story (Warning possible spoilers for the game Tales of Vesperia in the wiki) The people of Terca Lumireis have come to rely on blastia, an ancient civilization's technology with a wide array of capabilities such as providing water, powering ships, or creating barriers around major cities and towns to protect them from monsters. The Imperial Knights and guild members also use bodhi blastia to enhance their abilities in combat. The blastia, created by the elf-like Krityans, are fueled by a substance called aer that lends its power to the blastia's ability, but can be fatal to humans in large concentrations. The area of the land are split into normally two different factions: One led by the Empire and their Emperor/Empress whom are backed by their council and are guarded by their Imperial Knights led by Knight commandant Hardin Expos and his brigade The Knightly Guardians. Below them are the Knight Commanders who lead separate divisions each with their own colors and styles. Below them are lieutenants and below them are the normal knights. They keep order in the empire and are normally at odds with monsters. They're also opposed by The Guilds, individuals whom have opposed the empire and have declared their laws pointless or simply unjust. Some harbor grudges, others are in it for the money but the guild is led by the Don of Dahngrest and the Duce of Nordopolica individually. Most guilds however tend to follow the Don of Dahngrest and the Union that backs it whom are the five major guilds. Those include Blazing Glory, a group of hunters who exist to hunt for monsters and other challenges of the world, Ancient Salvation, a group dedicated to the study and excavation of ancient secrets and ruins, The Future's Fortune, a group of well paid mercenaries and merchants whom seek wealth above all else, Bolden Blades, a group of high class smiths with legendary abilities a the smithy, and Torkstania whom are headed by the Don and are ruthless warriors and tacticians whom have kept the city itself independent. ---- Quick note: The Great War ended thirty years ago and there has been a general uneasy peace between the two factions. Since then there has been a change of leadership on the throne of the empire as a new emperor has descended since then. This story starts one day in the continent of Ilyccia, at Imperial Capital of Zaphias. It is a rather hot and steaming day in the city and many are complaining about hoodlums whom are going about the noble sector breaking the blastia or forcing repairs to be made. Thieves have been nothing but a small nuisance to the imperial knights and have been considered nothing but pains at the most. But since the blastia are now being threatened the groups in the upper class the knights have been cracking down unusually hard on the peoples. However in the lower district there have been cases of blastia being stolen as well which is usual given the area is so closely knit together and thieves have little to gain from robbing them. This has caused quite the conundrum as the knights can't blame the lower sector but can't rule some of them out. Still the nobles blame the lower sector but most of the knights refuse to look down there without evidence since the lower sector itself is in trouble. Regardless of the blastia situation the majority of the people in the city are as usual pedaling goods and making their livings as they usually do. However something looms on the horizon that will not bode well for the imperials.... === 1. No high level characters off the bat this will be sort of like a dungeons and dragons sort of setting where the farther we go the stronger we get. Most of us will be using rather poor or plain weapons that are common. Like in the game you can buy and gain weapons later. 2. You may not be a lieutenant or higher rank if you're a member of the imperial knights. Similar rules apply to the Guilds whom will only have newer members out. Most players are encouraged to be simple mercenaries for hire or normal citizens with some form of combat skill or magic skill in the city we start at. [I]3. GM's word is law what I say goes if you don't like what I have to say you're free to leave.[/i] 4. Everyone must have a Bodhi blastia of some sort if you want to use artes. If you don't start with one you should gain one rather quickly in the start of the roleplay. 5. All basic roleplay rules apply 6. All side plots must be brought to me I don't want to go off on some unexpected tangent without warning. === Character Roster: Mutsu Honda - VanceXentan Krile Shizumori & Krita Shizumori - Benit Say'ri Kagami - Demous === [hider=NPC Character Roster] Imperial Knights: [url=]Cain[/url] [url=]Knight Commandant Hardin Expos[/url] [url=]Knight Captain Jace Honda[/url] Guilds: Other: [url=]Thomas Meijin[/url] [url=]Lord Ceil Pembroke[/url] [/hider] === Character Sheet: Name: Nickname/Alias: (reasons nicknames must be put in the bio or told to me if it is a secret for the character) Age: Gender: Occupation: (apply if the character has one) Race: Human or Kritya (Remember Kritya don't travel much so it is rare to see the latter) Personality: (lf you could please include things like fears/likes and habits if you can) Appearance: (preferred pictures but descriptions are fine and if possible some clothing your character will regularly use) Weapon Type: (better weapons will be gained through the roleplay so pictures aren't necessary. What goes here is the general type of style you used: Rapiers, two hands. sword and shield, etc. Staffs and whips are also used by Artes mages) Artes: (This will be the general style of the magic styles you will use. Of course pure artes users have stronger versions of artes and can use multiple styles of them but people who use normal weapons can still augment their weapons with some minor artes like Yuri can use Azure Edge to unleash a small blast of energy towards his enemies or Raven's wind powers to make his arrows and dagger stronger or able to be thrown like a boomerang respectively.) Biography: