“Mine’s Hayley.. Summers. Nothing odd about that surname I suppose..” Hayley stepped towards the two doors whilst Matthew spoke about that he assumed would be behind those doors. It made her shiver slightly. A tomb wouldn’t be the best discovery of the year as she was terrified of anything mummified. Something just made her panic when she thought about those old movies her father used to watch where mummies moaned out to you in a dark and cold pyramid. They would chase after you in the slowest way possible and yet be terrifying. It just didn’t seem right to her. “Let’s hope it’s not.. That last thing.” The door, luckily, wasn’t locked. It opened up alright, but not too smoothly. It seemed as if the door hadn’t been used in quite a while and a dust cloud hovered up from the carpet ground inside. With her candle she tried to lid up the room she was trying to discover but the dust made it nearly invisible to see anything. It was when Hayley took a few steps in an image was created: There was a huge bed pushed to the side of the gigantic room, with the most beautiful white blankets draped around a wooden frame. The dark carpet continued, as she walked inside the room. “Are you coming?” For some odd reason, Hayley had started to whisper. As if, someone would hear her. The room was richly decorated with what seemed like the most beautiful furniture ever. It was old fashioned, that was a fact, but people pay loads to get these kinds of coaches inside their homes. All together it looked like a room people would actually live and sleep in. It even had the smallest kitchen ever, Hayley noticed. With most disbelief she said: “Did someone.. Live here?”.