Oh no, I've been stuck without internet for too long. Granted it's given me a chance to catch up on some Anime, but I been without you bunch for too long now. I am going to read all the ooc, then I'm reading the ic, then I'm going on peggo.net and getting some music from celtic storm, then I'm going to go catch up on my youtube, see how the Enderborn has been doing in Westeros. Then I'll come back and see what's changed, then I'll do more youtube, and if I have any sense I might be in bed before midnight. But I don't consider myself a very sensible person, more so after watch an entire season of Fairy Tail in two days. Have at you. No idea why I said that, but I had to. Now then, I have some reading to do. And if someone hasn't yet, make Arthur Wick a very fancy banner please, I'll have need for it soon.