[@Iatos] We actually discussed this for a while (several hours yesterday), but if you actually read his powers there's something [s]we added[/s] there. (We did try to get him to be a teacher, but he wanted to be a familiar) [quote=@Ashifili] The amount of physical strength Arata is allowed to wield takes into consideration magical power as well, and, when fighting against a group of enemies, takes the strongest of the group as the ‘limitor’. [/quote] That's a major weakness. That means that if you get 2 people of relatively equal strength (Sorcha and Iravis, for example) then the fight will be an easy win. Especially if you take 'weaker' people to fight him (Charlotte and Neko, I sorta imagine it being a slappy fist fight like in the movies), then bring in the stronger ones when he's wounded. In anything but a one-on-one fight, he will lose. If you got 5 people of the same skill he stands literally no chance even if they are three year olds. We've also discussed this, but most of the familiars would likely have some degree resistance to mind altering affects due to their inhuman nature. For example, Shikio might hear things that would make a visual illusion obviously false. A mental one would be difficult to construct for such a dissimilar mind. So in essence, he just has a better version of that. The weakness of familiars is that there strength may be utterly reliant on their surroundings. Throw Iravis in water, she's pretty much going to panic and die. Play a loud noise, and she'll be in pain. Do the same to a magician with the same skill and they just turn it off. Perhaps if you found some holy water or a holy religious symbol in Japan intended to ward off this familiar, then you might see an advantage. EDIT: And lastly, while combat does exist in this the point of it is to have FUN. I personally (not speaking for Graf here) believe the major purpose of struggle is to provide insight to character. How did the members of the closet react to their bloody victory? Why doesn't Meriun care that more ventilation is in the room, and wants to sleep so much? Why does the Runik run off and train after a fight? If people start acting up with their powers or becoming the cheesy shonen hero when uncalled for, then me and Graf will make them Kiss XD EDIT 2: [@neogreggory] Just go for the IC. There's a lot of good stuff in there. But here's the run down. [hider=RUN DOWN]Sorcha is moving towards the city area, but probably won't join the fight. That is it. Also [@Liferusher]'s neko is in a crate in a bush somewhere. [@Jay Kalton][@Natsu][@sakurasan][@Iatos][@Cinderella Man] You guys should probably decide where you are this afternoon for 1 of 2 things that seems to be going on. In the City/Mall, there is an event occurring, with most of the characters gathered in a small coffee shop. [s]Lin is thinking of summoning his familiar there.[/s] [hider=characters] Meruin, Runik, Lyssa, Iravis, Alucard, Zan[/hider] In front of the cafeteria, [s]Sorcha is making her introduction and about to fight Edgar[/s]. Sorcha awkwardly hugged Edgar. Lin is thinking of summoning his familiar here. [hider=characters]Gall, Livia, Lin, Edgar[/hider] In the teachers lounge, Alistar is interrogating Julian. If you got a teacher, this would be a good spot to put them. [@RinNekoSan][@sakurasan] This would be a good time to enter. Also, I think a neko would be a familiar, not a mage. Ask Graf about that.[/hider]