[center][h3][color=lightblue]Nicholas[/color][/h3] [b][HP: 500 - SP: 6/6][/b] [i]Azra - On The Road[/i][/center] [hr] The last day and a half had not been the most comfortable for Nicholas. Of course, that was only partially due to the sickening swaying of the carriages that tainted what little sleep he got with nightmares filled with puke; after all, whenever he had enough, he could just go and sit on his horse for a while until his behind was sore enough for him to consider the vomit waggon the lesser of two evils. No, what had really made these days a pain was who recognized him right after the ICC sent them on their merry way: Jessabelle. Of all the people he could have met here, it had to be somebody from way back home. To say that their encounter had been awkward was a massive understatement - after their initial shock had passed and he tried to find the right words, she had threatened the physical integrity of his man parts before walking away, leaving some of the others to look upon them with curiosity, confusion, gleeful anticipation or all of the above. He had recovered relatively quickly and played it off with a shrug and awkward grin but some of his retreats on horseback had served as a means of escaping and having some time to think. Should he just ignore her? It had been a long time but nothing had changed, really. If anything, he had spent half a decade on the road and nothing to show for it. Nicholas wondered why Jessabelle was here to begin with, why she would leave her sisters... but he couldn't just strike up a conversation like nothing happened. Therefore, he avoided her as best he could. As it happened, he was in same the car as Marcus when he asked for their motivation. A few jokes aside, he hadn't really talked at all since they left Armistice. He took the opportunity to banish the past from his thoughts and put on a smile. [color=lightblue]"Oh, nothing in particular. Only the prospect of fame, fortune and omnipotence. Not to mention the hundreds of women. You?"[/color]