[quote=@Mifuyne] First off [@Silverwind Blade], I have to say the worldbuilding is one of the best I've seen so far. I may be new to this community but I haven't seen one this detailed and thought out as yours. I'm currently at work so I haven't had time to go through everything and the IC posts, but I am definitely interested with what I've read so far. If you're still accepting characters, then I'll try and get a CS up for approval ASAP :) [/quote] Hello, Mifuyne! There is still room for new players to join, and we aren't too far along in the plot that it would be hard to introduce a new pilot either. If you can get your sheet up over the weekend, I'll get your character into things ASAP (as long as they meet the requirements, anyway!). Thank you for the kind comments about the setting. I love developing settings and storylines, it's one of my favourite parts of making an RP. I don't really run them without a developed background, as in my experience, the more info you have to hand, the easier it is for players to immerse themselves, and for everyone to have a clear idea of the world they're playing in. Hope you can join us soon. I'll be getting an IC post up tomorrow to keep things moving, everyone!