[@Divinity] The wave of shadows smashed into the carbon-plated shield the mage had created, attempted to smash it into the ground as Darquesse gloated. Of course, she wasn't expecting the sudden blast of explosive energy that burst out from the mess of it. The blast was powerful enough to tear through her shadow barrier like a knife through butter, and even punched a hole through her magically enhanced body. She could feel it as her insides were burned to a crisp, a hole easily the size of a basketbal newly formed through her chest. For practically any other being, such a wound would have spelled certain death, but to Darquesse it just meant things were starting to get fun. Her body knit itself together with ease, even the damage from such a blast inconsequential to her. It seemed it was time for her to test her opponent's magical senses. For as the shadows began to dissipate and Corban emerged from his protective bulwark, she would utillize this time to drop to the ground - and into it. By manipulating the earth around her she formed a tunnel that closed behind her, moving through the earth like a fish through water. It was a little trick she'd learned from Sanguine, although his ability worked slightly differently. Of course, she was unaware of Corban's control of carbon, and it would be rather hard to surpass him in his own element. But for the moment she was hidden from his eyes, testing whether his senses matched hers. Testing his capabilities, she launched a spire of shadows from the ground, a different location than her own, to attack him. It usually wasn't her style to play hide and seek with her opponents, but this guy was the only one besides Vile to put up a good fight. And she wanted to poke him a bit before she pulled out all the stops. To test him, and his limits. It was like a game, and she was well aware that he had more tricks to explore. To her, this lethal duel between mages was nothing more than another opportunity to explore the world of magic. One that would end rather gruesomely for her opponent, if she got her way.