[hider=Scott Riley] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/h9mB2rT.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]"What's the point in being this skilled a warrior if you can't even score once in a while?"[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Sprite:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tEfwLCS.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Scott Riley [b]Nicknames/Title:[/b] The Crimson Cavalier, Hot-headed Horseman [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single and looking ;) [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Family Ties:[/b] Merchant family in Jotenvarr (Mother, Father, Sister) [b]Class:[/b] Cavalier [b]Weapon Mastery(ies):[/b] Sword, Lance [b]Inventory:[/b] Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Vulneraries (3), Trail Rations, Fiction Novel ([i]Tales of the Hero-King[/i]) [b]Personality:[/b] As his title might suggest, Scott is quick to temper and is known to over-react to even trivial things (sometimes in in overly positive way as well). At heart he is bold, brave and eager to prove his worth to whoever will bear witness... preferably hot babes. Not only does he know he is a talented combatant on horseback, he makes sure everyone else does too. If his persistence was a tangible currency he'd be a very wealthy man, except in those instances where he empties his gold pouch to buy drinks for the lady of that particular night. On his feet one could even call him immature, but on his steed "Maple" he is a serious and focused force to be reckoned with. [b]Biography:[/b] Raised by a wealthy merchant family in the capital city of Jotenvarr, Scott's childhood was fairly easy. Spoiled by his parents, he lacked any sense of responsibility. Once they finally had enough with him, Scott's parents sent him to the Knight's academy to become a soldier of the royal army. Finishing his training but still lacking the formal decorum needed to live and function as a knight, he left the army and became a sell-sword. After a long absence from home, a postman tracked him down and delivered a message to him from his family; his younger sister, Michelle, had fallen gravely ill. Losing the use of her legs, her health only continues to deteriorate. The family's once overflowing wealth had run dry in an attempt to find a cure and provide treatment. Then, having returned home to visit Michelle and witnessing her terrible condition, Scott vowed to become a world-renowned warrior and earn as much money as possible to further the cause. He would go on to win several jousting tournaments, complete many arduous missions and build the reputation he has today. Finally, word of the King's request reached Scott. Seeing this as the ultimate opportunity to potentially save his sister, Scott made his way back to Jotenvarr from the colder lands of Frosspeak in hopes of joining this elite army. [/hider]