[color=a187be][i][b]Kallista Carver - Blackwood Academy[/b][/i][/color] KC released the last puff of smoke she was holding on to and dropped her cigarette to the ground. She used the toe of her boot to snuff it out, watching a few students enter the school. They seemed eager to start their first day. One boy hesitated a bit but made his way in despite himself. She, however, made no effort to go inside. She knew what awaited her there - freaks of all kinds. Antonio, the mafia don her father worked under, had exchanged KC's safety for her admission to the school. She knew she wasn't one of these people though. Sure she could hack like no one else, but that skill was entirely earned. There was nothing super about it. Still, what was her option? The alternative was to answer to a man who would kill her without second thought. There was no appeal to that. It irked her that a man like Antonio could make her father crawl on his knees, but she had to admit that it was a rush to see that kind of power in action. It was a power she wanted to attain for herself. If that meant enduring a few years at super-villain school, then so be it. She leaned down a picked up the black, leather book bag that held her supplies and slung it over one shoulder. She took a deep breath and headed toward the door. Day 1 started, 10 million more to go.