[center][h3]Einri - At Edenweiss[/h3][/center] Luckily, the two of them were not alone. More people rushed in to help fight the Blackened. A kitsune and two other women he couldn't quite determine what they were. Truthfully, he would've rushed to the kitsune at once without thinking about it, but.... [color=yellow][b]"I am kind of busy right now!"[/b][/color] The dullahan shouted back with a wry smile in his face. Just like the kitsune, Einri was more or less surrounded as well. There were less blackened around him but it would be dangerous nonetheless to make a break for it right now. One jumped forward to him. Einri spun his scythe in his hand brought the pole of his scythe down on the blackened's head. He back stepped while spinning and then pointed two fingers at it. His fingers then shot an stream of light magic that pierced through the blackened's skull, and yet his small victory was short lived. Two more of the shadowy beasts leapt towards him. He readied himself and bent down, leaving the blade of his weapon close to the ground. [color=yellow][b]"Oh cleansing light, lend me your strength."[/b][/color] He chanted and the blade of his scythe started shining. His next attack cleanly cut off the heads of both wolves with ease. He did not stop then and brought his blade down on another one of the creatures that was standing not that far behind him. After disappearing in specks of grey dust, only his scythe remained, jammed into the floor. [color=yellow][b]"We might need to bail from here."[/b][/color] Einri put two fingers into his mouth, and then impulsed himself forward to jump past the horde of Blackened that had started coming around him. As he was in the air, the dullahan whistled, so loudly that if the beasts had actually been dogs, they would've been taken aback by the volume of his whistling. He was calling for his horse. The man landed past the horde of Blackened and they were quick to follow their pursuit. Einri dashed forward towards the other two that were already surrounded. [color=yellow][b]"Don't give in now! Knight Of Souls Einri is coming to rescue you!"[/b][/color] Einri shouted as he approached the other group. Einri stopped at least a pair of meters before the Blackened surrounding the Kitsune and company. He took his scythe by the end of its pole, rather firmly and then swung it horizontally, stabbing at least three Blackened in one fell swoop. [color=yellow][b]"Pitiful creatures, without a soul to even reap. May you find rest in the other side of the River Styx."[/b][/color] The young Dullahan whispered. There were still a lot, but 4 of them should be enough to be rid of them. With a smirk in his face, the dullahan turned to the kitsune, [color=yellow][b]"Next time say please and I will consider coming quicker."[/b][/color] Despite the light tone of words, the man was still very much on guard, grasping his scythe tightly with both hands.