[hider=Barr Marada][b]Name:[/b] Barr Marada [b]Age:[/b] 132 [b]Gender:[/b] Male identification [b]Species:[/b] HK-50 assassin droid [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/61/Hk50full.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060703223244[/img] He has a ton of dents and scorch marks all over his chassis and tends to wear a brown shawl mainly so would be employers can tell him apart from other droids. [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Bounty hunter's guild [b]Background:[/b] Barr started as just another HK-50 assassin droid employed to hunt down the Jedi Exile but his mission was cut short. He was subdued by an especially skilled tinkerer on Telos who managed to block out his assassination protocols leaving him as nothing more than a protocol droid which the nameless tinkerer employed to make selling his products easier to the general populace. Luckily there was one weapon Barr still had access to and that was his position as a translator. With small 'grammatical edits' he managed to get the tinkerer taken out by an unhappy customer essentially allowing the harmless droid to once more roam free. Unluckily though the droid managed to get himself stranded in the Telos wilderness with no way of defending himself from the hostile fauna on the planet. Many years passed by with the droid struggling to survive on the planet and slowly gaining more and more individuality with every day he went without a memory wipe. Eventually though he got cornered by one of the hostile creatures of the planet and with no way out he was attacked by the the beast, surely to finally go offline. As the HK unit began to feel his chassis give way he felt something deep inside himself, it was a calming feeling but it was also a fiery one. It was his assassin protocols finally being released from their binary prison. With the digital anger of a thousand moons the killer robot attacked its former predator mercilessly reducing it to a pulp. The droid managed to murder its way onto a scout ship and get back to Telos where he would adopt the name Barr Marada just to further flaunt his individuality and began doing what he did best, hunt meatbags for credits. [b]Equipment:[/b] Silenced Slugthrower pistol 200 credits, flame thrower grafted into chassis 1000 credits plus 250 to have it grafted, R82 Jump boots 150 credits, wrist link 50 credits, Dura-steel chassis. [b]Abilities:[/b] Barr is fluent in over three million languages including but not limited to basic, binary, Huttese and Jawaese to name a few. While Barr is able to talk his way into and out of a variety of situation, sometimes a situation calls for the more drastic procedures. The droid is decent with mid to close ranged weapons and is skilled in the art of stealth though he is better at wielding a close range weapon or using his fists. Though he wields a lightsaber his fighting is less akin to force sensitive organic so and more akin to simpler yet still deadly motions, where a Jedi would use the force to get the upper hand Barr would use his arsenal or fast processor. He is a great Swoop racer which is the one thing aside from his job that he enjoys with a passion but his skill at piloting large vehicles is nothing to be noted. Where Barr really falters is in his 'species', since he's a droid there are more than a few people in the universe that think much lesser of a droid and will sometimes outright refuse to comply with the machine though this also works to Barr's advantage since he is able to blend in certain places disguised as a simple protocol droid. [b]Credits:[/b] 10[/hider]