[b]Name[/b]: Valeriya "Valentine" Castus [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Rank[/b]: Pack Female [b]Skin Description[/b]: [hider][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/0021b704c5081a399818cb6c6cbfb1aa/tumblr_muti4fhED21sk5ylfo1_500.gif[/img][/hider] [b]Fur Description[/b]: [hider][img]http://assets.worldwildlife.org/photos/536/images/hero_small/shutterstock_78609682.jpg?1345525199[/img][/hider] [b]In-Depth Description[/b]: While slim, Valentine is lean and well-muscled. She stands around 5'10''. Her pale skin is lightly spotted with freckles. Her body is a canvas of scars and burns that tells a story of hardship. She has an oval face with defined cheekbones, a slightly pointed chin, and a sturdy jaw line. Her lips are full and with a cupids bow. Her cloudy blue eyes are in a rounded almond shape that are emphasized with a dash of mascara. She keeps her bright red hair long and flowing when not working and when working, it is kept into a loose bun. In canine form, she is 35" tall, 7" long, and weighs around 135lbs. (+ blue eyes yep) She's not as strongly built but is quick and agile. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Valeriya will initially come across as the type who’s snarky, work-focused, and quick to take charge of almost any situation. At her core, however, she’s a decent person. Years of constant working and losing trust in people she once looked up to, have all left her in a state of mind that does not easily allow things like friendships to grow. But behind all that is a person who desires nothing more than to see both herself and those she works with succeed in all their endeavors, and she will often go to surprising lengths to see such things through to the end. While it is never immediately apparent, she does care about the well-being of others, if only so that they can maintain their capability and willingness to continue fighting. [sub]i made a male too but depending on how I feel I may or not play him :^0 i'll decide once everyone posts their CSes or something, to even out the gender ratio if needed yep. //hides[/sub]