[@BeastofDestiny] Yutaro frowned when he heard about his impromptu drinking buddy's problems. He was mildly curious why he would be stood up right before a party like this, but he didn't press him for details; doing so would be would just be rubbing salt in the wound. Instead, he offered his condolences. "I know the feeling friend. Last year I had a girl I was seeing decide to move out of town on Valentine's Day. She wanted to try the whole long-distance thing, but I had to squash it." The bartender filled his glass with another shot of whiskey. "My name's Yutaro by the way, and yea, I definitely want to get the party started sooner rather than later. He swirled the amber liquid around in his glass before continuing. "This is what I like to call 'home for the holidays.' Let's just say the visit was obligatory and leave it at that." But then a smile crossed his face and he raised his glass. "Whatever Fortune has raised on high, she lifts but to bring low. To better luck in the new year." Then he through back his second shot. As he felt the sweet bourbon course through his blood, the two of them were approached by woman in an ebony dress ([@Verdaux]). There was an air of mystery about her that went beyond just the mask. She seemed to suppress her own existence as she walked among the dazzling hall, which somehow made her more alluring. Had it not been for his recent fortune with Ryoki, Yutaro would have wasted no time in laying on the charms, but he had a feeling his drinking buddy could use the stimulation. He gave Kyle a little nudge and made a subtle gesture over in the woman's direction. [color=82ca9d]"Mind if I make a crowd with the two of you tonight?"[/color] "It would be a pleasure Miss. Why don't you have a seat next to my buddy here and we'll have some fun." He gave the woman a friendly grin and tried to gauge Kyle's reaction. Yutaro didn't know if his lady troubles were permanent or not and would understand if he didn't want to make a move, but at least this way he'd have a dancing partner if he wanted one. Besides, Yutaro had his own raven-haired princess to find.