[hider=Titus Aultmann][b]Name:[/b] Titus Aultmann [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Greek Organization:[/b] Gamma Kappa Chi [b]Hometown:[/b] Stanton, GA [b]Major:[/b] Chemical Engineering [hider=Appearance][img] http://37.media.tumblr.com/85599a80bfdb7389bc1915a6db8563de/tumblr_mfpzs8YPH51s1bft7o1_500.gif[/img] He’s about 6’1” tall.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Titus is, for the most part, a good person. He holds respectable morals and treats others how they treat him. He’s a little quiet around those he isn’t familiar with, but he’s a pretty loud and energetic kid when you get to know him. Despite his initial shyness, he loves meeting new people and forging new friendships, even with those outside of his fraternity. He likes to crack jokes in his slight Southern drawl. At parties his personality can vary; he’s either loud and the center of attention or he’s more subtle. It depends on how much he drinks and how his mood is. Titus is a loyal friend, not likely to talk shit behind someone’s back or ditch a friend in his or her time of need. Even if he may like to pick on you, he never actually means it. You can tell when he gets mad, which only happens in intense competitions or if someone continues to treat him poorly despite him being nice or not having done anything to provoke said person. If you do manage to get him mad, though, you might want to keep your distance. [b]Short History:[/b] Despite being born and raised Georgia, Titus and his family have always been Caligo fans (as his parents attended school there). Growing up as the older brother of two sisters, Titus never really had much problems in the family. He had a bullying problem when he was in middle school, but after being advised by his friends to stand up for himself, Titus got into a fight with the bully and won, earning him a suspension from school. Though his parents were upset about the violence, they couldn’t be too mad about their son overcoming adversity. In high school, Titus decided to play football. He was good but not outstanding; he didn’t want to play football in college anyway. Rather, he preferred to attend a college that had a great team, and what better school than Caligo University? After making decent grades, Titus await his acceptance anxiously, but to his delight, he got accepted. Over the summer he made several visits to the campus for Greek rush and decided to accept his bid to Gamma Kappa Chi. Now he’s all ready to start his new life. [b]Other:[/b] Not that I can think of. [/hider]