[H1][Center][color=0054a6][i]Somiar[/i][/color][/Center][/h1] [Center]Welcome to Somiar. Somiar came out of nowhere 500 years ago, simply appearing without a trace of where it came from and how it came to be. The people that were already habitating Somiar were mostly children between the ages of 5 to 15 and about 5 adults. Now, Somiar is filled with more than 1 million people, making it one of the most known countries out there. However, what are the catches of a beautiful place like this appearing out of the blue? You have the 5 stars. These stars are visible only at 12 am through 12:20 am, appearing to be a wonderful purple shade. 100 years ago, we found out that these stars were actually out 5 gods when they decided to show themselves on December 15. You couldn’t actually see their faces. They seemed like they were only simply holograms that brought with them miracles, love, and chaos. Some people believe that they are there to guide us through our journey of life but others believe differently, that they are demons that want to watch our destruction first hand. [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/020d/f/2010/167/6/5/a_truly_beautiful_city_by_kakurenbo401k.jpg[/img] Now, we are living peacefully on our land, without even knowing what they are doing up there. Most people do not live in fear of the 5 stars. They aren’t monsters. They will however, at times cause… interesting things to happen on our land. They have already done things like causing a full on war between the angels and demons, causing all children to leave their homes for 2 weeks, sending a hot-blooded dragon on the loose to kill us but who knows what more they have planned? We don’t sit around waiting in Somiar. We train to become stronger, better, the best. We still have our festivals, romance, classic drama, and fun in Somiar.[hr] [hr] These are some of the people in Somiar that have a goal for us and look forward to our survival. [h2]Paz[/h2]- (Which means peace in Portuguese) He is a man of calamity and brotherhood. His organization has spent the years training for battles but also helping those in need such as unfortunate children, poor families, and animals that were left all alone. He has created this organization for one purpose: To maintain the balance of power. [hider=Paz] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/24dd235b0daaa7c758a95bf2ef20f066/tumblr_mzvwxqPY261rtaxnko1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2]Wojna[/h2]- (Which means war in Polish) A beauty that has always loved to fight. Of course, this doesn’t mean that she is a cruel person, simply a master of all martial arts and anything that involves fighting. If you need a few lessons in self-defense, she’s the first person that will come to mind. Her organization is basically all about protecting others even if it means using force. Her guild was created for a certain purpose: To protect the fair members of Somiar. [hider=Wojna] [img]http://betanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Anime-girl.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2]Ensinar[/h2]- (Which means teach in Galician) Though we call him the owner of an organization, he’s really not. He is simply the owner and a dedicated professor of the Somiar Academy. You don’t need to be a certain age to be in this Academy, you simply need to have a yearning for magic. His organization is a fairly simple one: To teach and to be taught. [hider=Ensinar] [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Ichimaru_Gin2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2]Dievs[/h2]- (Which means God in Latvian) No, he is not a God. This is a man that was thought to have been one of the 5 stars for 10 years until they finally gave up, realizing that he was not human but wasn’t a god either. His power supply seems nearly endless and he is practically invincible. No one has ever actually seen his face when he appears with his masquerade mask as well as a well polished suit. Dievs is worshiped and only appears once a month and during the tournament. [hider=Dievs] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/556023c8ce136252e13fcc7442f9e66a/tumblr_ncf0a7S0YS1sk1rjvo1_500.png[/img] [/hider] [hr] [h3]Story plot![/h3] The Game of The Dragon: This tournament goes on each year, deciding what 5 will be granted power and respect from the Dievs. Whichever group that wins will have a special new power for each of them, a chance to be a ruler of one of the five elements. [color=9e0b0f]Maltatia[/color]- Fire [color=2e3192]Verandia[/color]- Earth [color=92278f]Altint[/color]- Metal Inteln- Wood [color=0072bc]Welvarn-[/color] Water The people that join this tournament are dedicated to making Somiar great and beleive that they could shape Somiar into a perfect place. However, there are those that simply want power. Even with all of this going on, happiness is always brewing in Somiar and I do hope that you can find it a good place to live~ Alliances, romance, rivals, and other new relations are awaiting you in Somiar.[/Center] [hr] [hider=Main places in Somiar] Assembly hall [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-58lJHkvPAlQ/UaNCjTWBokI/AAAAAAAAAe4/rV6NeYU5ZQ8/s1600/Building%2BAnime%2BLandscape%2B03.jpg[/img] This is where they announce the new tournaments, festivals, contests, and other major events that will be happening in Somiar. Somiar subway station [img]http://www.artwallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121017/makoto%20shinkai%20train%20stations%20power%20lines%205%20centimeters%20per%20second%20artwork%20railway%201920x1080%20wall_www.artwallpaperhi.com_79.jpg[/img] A nice subway station that is used to go to most places. Flying is good but someotimes people simply want to go on the train and enjoy the ride. It is extremely comfortable and rarely ever runs out of seats. It hasn't changed in a long time due to the fact that people love the simplicity of it. Somiar Academy [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ratchet-and-clank-roleplaying/images/4/4f/Promise_HQ_0394.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150815140033[/img] A wonderful academy that Ensinar started, creating it from scratch. It used to be a simple wooden shack but as you can see, it has elevated into something truly spectacular. He is very proud of the fact that he built this school as well as being the professor of Beginners wizardry and other classes. Most residents of Somiar attend the academy, unless they are already working or a teacher there. Lantern glow [img]http://www.islamicmeditation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/lanterns-house-of.jpeg[/img] Ah, a beautiful sight to set your eyes on. Most people that come here are to have a nice picnic with friends or maybe a lover. All in all, it’s a place of dreams. Instrumental music is usually playing in the background with many food stands set up just in case you decide to buy from there. They also have a blanket shop that features many different quilted blankets of all sizes. Merida town [img]http://img.memecdn.com/dark-anime-city_o_2431723.jpg[/img] This is the place where you get all of the new technology. Phones, mini teleportes, self driving cars, new transportation brooms, video games, etc. A wonderful place that people hang out a lot at. You have to take the subway to get here and it's always dark. The Dungeon Forest [img]http://hdnaturewall.com/wallpaper/2015/08/dark-forest-images-wallpaper-for-anime-24-hd-wallpaper.jpg[/img] Sure, it might sound like a scary place but it's really not. Unless you find a hostile dragon. They usually don't kill but...If you're unlucky...Yeah, you get it. Other than that, there are always adorable creatures and a lot of times rare ones which you have a chance of taming! [/hider] [hider=Other places in Somiar] Shopping [img]http://images.alphacoders.com/225/225771.jpg[/img] Shopping? You won't be able to visit every store that they offer in a week. From high-end boutiques to simple thrift shops, they honestly have it all. Somiar Public Library [img]http://static.zerochan.net/anbe.yoshirou.full.467101.jpg[/img] A beautiful and calm place that students come to study every day. However, the rules are strict and the head librarian will have you follow them, which means-- 1.) Only whispering is allowed 2.) You want to eat near the books? Go clear your head before you do such outrageous things 3.) If I see that you haven't brought a book back after due time, I will go to extra far lengths, even if it means using violence. 4.) I won't say have fun and enjoy. Enjoying yourself or not, no one will actually care. 5.) I better not see anyone getting in a fight in this grand library. [hider=The strict Librarian] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/93/c5/7b/93c57b4ed3deabfc140ac38cead97cf7.jpg[/img] "I'll close my eyes and once I open them, you better have your head in a book and your mouth [i]will[/i] be shut."[/hider] Spennende Amusement Park [img]http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/robot-land-amusement-park.jpeg[/img] Oh, you don't have any children? Doesn't matter whatsoever! A super fun place to enjoy yourself for a whole day because I doubt you'll be leaving before 9pm, that's when all the fun begins (well, mostly for older)!! Club-- [img]http://nightclub54.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/club1.png[/img] What do you need to know? Get a few drinks, loosen up, it's time to have some fun!! Cafe Relaxar [img]http://www.miccostumes.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/1-Cure.jpg[/img] Cafe Relaxar says it all in it's name. It's not a place to be rowdy but just to have some nice sweets and delicious drinks (Great tea) to go along with it! Animal Land [img]http://goinjapanesque.com/wpos/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cat-cafe-in-japan9.jpg[/img] Awwww, look at them!! This place is a cafe as well as a wonderful animal lover meet up. Treasure chest [img]http://img25.wallpapercasa.com/uploads/wallpapers/2012/03/03/352233/thumb_big_hd_26593b0632b46aede42bab847fc8b64b.jpg[/img] This place is simply wonderful! It’s a small shop set up on 1star street that always has something to entertain you! People often gather around here just to meet with friends and find new magic tools or play with old toys. However, if you’re a rich brat, you may think that this place is only for common people and to that I say “Fuck you.” The extra shop [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/f5/10/b7f510ab32ed91e481ec864ff2293af8.jpg[/img] This shop is held underground for people that are searching for things like potions, herbs, medicine, rare blade, and blood. It's not illegal but you can't really place a shop like this in plain sight. People that just moved her might not know about it and other that have lived her for a while definitely do. You can't really survive without knowing about this place. It practically has every cursed weapon in the book, except the ones that you have to defeat dragons for. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: A few words from them~ (Ex: You better not piss me off. I mean it.) Nicknames: Title: (ex: That nerdy girl that hates dogs) Age: (Older than 18 please~ Unless you are creating a side character) Birthday and sign: (1/1, cancer) Gender: Appearance: (Doesn't have to be anime but would prefer it~) Race: (Demon, Angels, Aasimar, witches, Tiefling, human, Drow, Kobold, Sarli, Dragonborn, simple part animal part human, half-elf.) Demons and Angels- There are limitations for them and only a few of them are left. Personality: (Don't have to put too much if you want it to be a surprise) Likes: (Doesn't have to be too much if you want to be mysterious. Just at least three) Dislikes: (Doesn't have to be too much if you want to be mysterious. Just at least three.) Background: (At least 1 paragraph) Talents: Magic: (All characters, even humans can use magic or at least one special power. This should explain in detail what you character can do with her power. Also, they must have at least one side affect if they are a main power.) Magic 2: Magic 3: Magic 4: (This is simply the limit of main magic that your character can have. Just have the amount you need. Any others will be insignificant such as simple healing magic. However, if it can attach a head back onto a body, it would be a main power.) Weapon: Profession: (You can only work or you can go to the academy at the same time. Jobs include things like working at the shop but you can do other things like house maintenance.) Are you new to Somiar? Or have you been living here for a while?- Back ground: Pets: (If you do not have any, delete this) Extra: (Optional. If not, delete this) [/hider] [hr] More about magic! They can have up to 8 different magic powers. 4 main ones and 4 extras (ex: healing, speed, attack skill, etc) The extras are not allowed to be something that they can use repeatedly to attack other characters and create extreme health damage. Those things are up to the main ones such as destruction, pain transfer, etc. Also, yes, there can be enchanted weapons. Those will require a background of how they came to be. You can only have up to one enchanted weapon and can have more weapons (Limit: 5) that are not enchanted. Your character will most likely carry one or two weapons (Sometimes 3) but no more than that. [hr] [center][h1][color=9e0b0f]RULES[/color][/h1] [i] 1.) Cussing will happen (most likely me) and is allowed 2.) No GMing your characters!! 3.) Violence? Gore? I love it, bring it on 4.) If you die, you are welcome to create a new character but 2 is the limit. 5.) Wait for at least one person before posting again. 6.) Keep up with IC and OOC as much as you can~ 7.) HAVE FUN![/i]