Ah shit. I posted my app in the character section by accident. Whoops. Well, hopefully it's all good :P [center] [hider=Lorek Blanc] Series From: Final Fantasy 13 (Ivalice Moogle) Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/a/ae/Ffta-moogle-blackmage.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070107044703[/img] Powers/Abilities: [b]Animal Affinity[/b] Lorek has a knack of connecting with animals and creatures of the like, as he had encountered several beasts and constructs alike in his journeys on Cocoon. While unable to tame a raging beast such as a behemoth, he can control creatures with some ability to reason quite well. [hider=Black Magic] [b]Fire[/b] Conjures a small flame, about the size of a campfire, in a place of his choosing. [b]Thunder[/b] The sky booms and Lorek calls down Lightning to strike in a 2 foot by 2 foot square. Can be manipulated to avoid allies. [b]Blizzard[/b] Lorek conjures a small hailstorm in a target area for about 5 seconds, cutting his victims with ice. Can be manipulated to avoid allies. [b]Aero[/b] Lorek compresses the air in front of him and blasts it in a direction of choosing, cutting his target sharply. Can cut through about 6 inches of stone. [b]Water[/b] Lorek conjures a gallon of water and surges it forth at his enemy. Merely stuns his target for a brief second. [/hider] Weapons: Pearlwing Staff [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/3/35/FFXIII_Pearlwing_Staff.png/revision/latest?cb=20131222171333[/img] [i]Thought once to have been a staff of a monk, this item boosts the spiritual abilities of the wielder.[/i] He found this staff while exploring an ancient temple in Cocoon. Enchanted by the appearance of the staff, he took it as his own, initially as a keepsake. However, after using this weapon, he found that is had incredibly strong magical potential, and made it his main weapon of choice. Bio/Tryout/Headcanons: It was strange growing up for Lorek, as he was the only one of his specific species he would see for miles. He was a typical orphan story, or at least he thought. He assumed his parents found him undesirable or couldn't keep him, so they dropped him off in front of some random house on Gran Pulse, hoping the people there would take him in. Fortunately, they did, and raised Lorek as their own. The eldery couple lived in one of the many rural villages that were scattered across Cocoon and he lived a peaceful, uneventful life until he outlived his adopted parents and became 25, still relatively young for a moogle. No longer tied down to the village, he went out to explore for the legendary Moogle Village to try and seek out his own kind. As he traveled the dangerous world of Gran Pulse, he learned various black magic spells and became proficient in using them. He learned them from the various Cie'th stones all around the land of Gran Pulse. He has spent three years searching for Moogle Village on Gran Pulse, but has still yet to find it. [/hider] [/center]