[center][color=F4A460][h2][sub][i]Senua[/i][/sub][/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=F4A460][i]Azra ♦ Public Roads ♦ 500 HP[/i][/color][hr][/center] The second ICC representative that she saw at the gate soon revealed himself to the group as as Representative Aldaran. In terms of dressing, both of the Coalition's representatives had both been luxurious and reeked of opulence. Gold, they had to have gold in their outfits, be it in colour or something else made it appear as though it was made of such. Adlaran was far older than the younger man who had led her out of her cell in the dungeons to present the terms of the quest. Senua watched as he gestured towards two horse-drawn carriages that would act as the group's transport for the duration of the quest. That was good, at least they wouldn't be on foot for the entirety of the time, giving them to rest their travel-weary feet which would be absolutely important in the later parts of their journey. As the group climbed onto their respective wagons, the journey began. The groups on both the wagons remained silent, and there was no sound except for the sound of the wagon's wheels rolling over the ground. The silence was soon broken by a man who spoke. The man sported a shaved head with barely any hair on it, and his muscular physique reminded herself of a warrior or a blacksmith. This man reminded Senua of her late father, who's shoulder were just as broad, and body as well-built as his. His facial features were oddly similar, making the resemblance uncanny. The only difference was that her beloved father had a full head of hair, in a shade much lighter than the man that just spoken. Although he seemed to be only directly speaking to the people in his side of the cart, the wagons rode close enough for her to wear what was said. [i] "So... What the hell made you want to die so badly, eh?"[/i] Senua waited to see who would be the first to reply, and her answer to that question came soon enough. Another man, one with hair that was reaching out for his shoulders spoke, answering the first's question. [i]"Oh, nothing in particular. Only the prospect of fame, fortune and omnipotence. Not to mention the hundreds of women. You?"[/i] It was not much later than one of the woman on their cart spoke, joining in the conversation. ”Only a fool would wish for such things”, she smirked, glancing a moment at the man. [i]"Then again, you are a man, are you not?"[/i] The other woman then spoke. [i]"A fool, yes. A man? Well, that's up in the air right now."[/i] Despite being on the other wagon, Senua was interested in being part of the conversation. Slightly raising her voice so that the trio on the other cart could hear. [color=F4A460]"I don't know about you two, but he looks man enough to me. Not as man as [i]him[/i]-,"[/color] she briefly paused, her finger gesturing towards the well-built man with the shaved head[color=F4A460]"-but man [i]enough[/i]."[/color]