Marco was silent as he looked at the two new people who had come into the store, he had heard foot steps outside on the pavement and had managed to conceal himself in what appeared to be the managers office at the ass end of the store. The monitors were fuzzy, but they were definitely both male and female, one older then the other, the older an male, Mexican from appearance and the other the young a woman, whom looked to be Asian descent. Normally Marco wouldn't be worried much, but these two did not exactly look like everyday bystanders... at least that woman did not appear to be an everyday civilian. No... out of the both of them she was looking like the most dangerous, even through a shitty camera feed one couldn't miss that glare in her eye's. If Marco had to wager a guess he would say that she was part of the Triads or belonged to one of the crime families. Then again maybe he was just being paranoid and they were two lost people trying just to survive and hide... nope wasn't sticking, he couldn't afford to take a risk at this point. People or not, with all this hell going on people were killing each other without fear of prosecution. This was the perfect environment for criminals and family members to go at each other and everyone else no holds barred. Marco raised the rifle and looked at the feed, he had about 200 bullets left in the clip, seemed like a lot but considering how many it took to kill those black bastards this was far from enough, he had to conserve if he could so he hoped he was wrong and he wouldn't have to shoot at these people. Working off the fact that they were still a tad distracted Marco came to the door that lead out, leaning his back to the wall he side stepped around the door and raised the rifle speaking in a thick Russian accent. [b]"You two come out now, hands up and weapons down on the floor. I have no desire to shoot you or harm you but I will kill you if you give me no other choice. No quick movements I was not known in Russia for missing my targets..."[/b] Marco kept his eye's trained on them but kept his ears open for noise from the outside, the last thing he needed was to draw one of those damn things or more in here. [b]"If you don't fear my words then fear bringing more of those black beasts in here with gun shots..."[/b] Marco added that last part in hoping it would persuade them both not to attempt to put a bullet in him.