Matthew nodded slowly. "Agreed." He responded, trying to take a moment to observe the books. He was curious what they would contain, though he figured it couldn't be anything too overly important. Though there could be. Before he could examine their content, Hayley was already opening one of the doors and going inside. He followed quickly, the dust thankfully not proving bothersome for him. The room was, to say the least, a relief. No tombs to be found. He almost face-palmed, feeling stupid for assuming his mother and father were that glorifying of themselves. Of course, he hadn't seen the whole area. Plenty of things were possible. He stepped forward, as he answered her question. "I believe so. Libraries used to be used as homes, a long time ago. The past owners of this place were extremely wealthy." He smiled softly, looking around. "This place...It's dark, old, but has stood the test of time quite well. I'm surprised." [I]'Probably didn't look much different back then, aside from the dust.'[/I] He thought, waiting as she was the only one with a source of light. Wandering around in pitch-black darkness wasn't one of his specialties. He needed to keep an eye out so she didn't hurt herself, or the things around here, as well.