Taki looked to the rather large man and then back outside. No way was she putting her guns on the floor. Not with those things outside. Then came his next words. "Yeah then shoot us, after you do. I hope those things destroy everything you care about. For that will be the hell you deserve." She said as quietly as she could. . "I apologize for my lady friend, but we are kind of not in the mood for this shit. Obviously we are not here for you. Right now all my concern is the food." He added. His eyes constantly darting outside. Ducking to the ground everytime one of those creatures moved past them. He was glad that something down the road or where ever they are going has those things attention. "As for giving you are guns, you can go fuck yourself. We needs more then you, and right now I feel more safer from those assholes with it in my hands then on the flood." He then looked to Taki. "Look and see if the store has any of those big packaged burritos. Those things are pretty good." She looked to Marco. "Look I am not going to waste my ammo trying to kill you. I need every bullet to kill those things. But like you said, if you don't fear me. Fear those things outside. Especially if you go shooting at us. Wouldn't want to make any unnecessary noises to attract them now would you" she said before standing slightly. She then holstered one of her machine pistols and moved around a center island. It had coffee pots and creamers and other stuff related to them. She went past them and to one of the beverage coolers. Hoping there would be some water left. There were some but not much. She opened it up slowly trying to not make any noise what so ever. She reached in and grabbed a Fiji water and a decent sized aquafina water bottle. She then slowly moved back around towards Ramiro. "You know it is curious as to what has their attention.... I hope its that old bastard from that one family. Always so rude that one is. I hope they tore him a new asshole." She said. It came with her lifestyle. Sometimes the Yakuza had to have meetings with some of the Italian mob families. Some the people in the organization were tolerable but some were down right annoying. She lowered the gun in her hand slowly and quietly and was she did she grabbed the aquafina and tapped it against Ramiro's arm. "Drink some while you can. Luckily with lights off this place shouldn't attract any attention too much." She said. Ramiro only let go of the barrel and grabbed the water bottle. Slowly opening it and then began to drink the clear fluids within. He drank almost half of the bottle before stopping. He then stood and looked around the store. "Hey Russian dude. How much of the area have you explored? Any places you would recommend us staying the night in?" He asked. . Taki snorted. "Ramiro give it a rest. The guy threatened to kill us, you really think he is going to help us.... We don't need his help. He wants to keep that lone wolf attitude then he can go ahead and die alone. Those things will see to that. Besides... We just came from a Yakuza drop off point with people who were heavily armed and they were no match.. . It doesn't matter where we go. They will find us eventually." Ramiro looked to her as she opened the Fiji water bottle and took a drink. "Oh thanks, that's all I need on my mind right now."