[quote=@The Muse] [@Dynamo Frokane] Hi all! I hope my character application is alright and I can join in on the fun. :] [hider=Maribelle Warren] [center][b]Maribelle Warren[/b][/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] 27[/center] [center][b] Appearance:[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m181/Music_Sugar/de2c158e-561c-491a-af3c-ff0911d0c0c5_zps7sl8xxed.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Height:[/b] 5'5"[/center] [center][b]Weight:[/b] 125[/center] [center][b]Likes:[/b] [/center] [center] Violin (orchestra instruments in general), teaching, children, animals, reading, nature, chocolate, laughing, stargazing, Italian food, the work of famous violin composer Fritz Kreisler, crafting, feeling wanted by those close to her. [/center] [center][b]Dislikes:[/b][/center] [center] Spiders, avocado, smoking, cocky attitudes, large crowds, conflict, liars, horror movies, the scent of lavender, loneliness. [/center] [center][b] Party Trick:[/b][/center] [center] She can play renditions of a variety of popular songs on her violin - though she particularly likes to play "Uptown Funk."[/center] [center][b]Profession:[/b][/center] [center] Music Professor at the Shine City Academy (Violin Specialist).[/center] [center][b]Bio/Personality:[/b][/center] [center] Maribelle grew up in a rather small town a few hours away from Shine City with her mother, step-father, and half younger sister. Her life was fairly average and tame; she fell in love with a boy in highschool, they dated for quite awhile, he proposed when she was 21 and she accepted. They got married and lived peacefully for four years, and then he was offered a job in Shine City. [/center] [center]With that they uprooted their small town life and moved to the big city. Maribelle found a job teaching orchestra in a middle school while he worked for a big corporate stock brokerage. They lived happily like that for a year, or so she thought, until he began working "late nights." One weekend Maribelle decided to go visit her family back home, but ended up cutting the weekend short and coming home early - only to find a different women in her home with him. He had been cheating on her for at least 6 months. [/center] [center]The two got a divorce shortly after the discovery and her entire life felt as though it were shattered. Unable to face her family after her failed marriage, she stayed in the city and began her decent into depression. Eventually a doctor prescribed her Valium and she has recently become rather dependent on the pills. It helps to stop her negative thoughts, or so she likes to believe. [/center] [center]Luckily, Maribelle has just received a job offering to work at Shine City Academy as their Orchestra professor. Happily she accepted, hoping it would give her some way to start anew.[/center] [/hider] [/quote] My inner Ryoki is burning. This woman must die. There can only be one. [s]Unless, of course, they become friends, in which case it's sunshine and fucking rainbows everywhere! Maybe add in a little bit of gay, to help spice things up![/s]