Not that long ago, the Holy Lands fought a single but very harsh battle against New Engelica. The feats performed their formed the first legend of New Engelica. Eléane got her nickname ‘godslayer’ there. It was also the first showcase of how important mages were and could be within a battle. Now however, peace rules the land. The only sign of the battle is the magical scare in the ground. The people were initially afraid of the mages and their civil services. But they swiftly saw that it was very profitable to only let it rain when you wanted it to. Cultural change swept the country. And now, for the first time again, a youngling gifted in magic can step forward and graduate to a status that recognizes his talent. [hr] The king received Orngat’s dwarf himself. He himself nearly commanded all mages to march for Orngat to defend it with their lives. But Eléane ushered him not to. Instead she would lead a single group to fortify one province. Through unity, they would be more successful and powerful against this mysterious ‘Darkness’. The dwarven envoy agreed to this, and requested the strengthening of the nearest province relative to the approaching Darkness. And thus 400 magi, accompanied by 15 war-magi marched towards Orngat. Lead by Eléane herself. But unbeknown to her father, she gave another order. 100 magi and 3 war-magi had the explicit orders to defend them. Through the weaving of shields or keeping their familiars close by. The others were given the orders not to take risks what so ever. Eléane wanted no casualties among the mages of New Engelica. [hider=My Actions] [b]Garrison[/b] [i]Province 58[/i] - 5 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 5 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 1 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 59[/i] - 3 Units of Light Infantry - 6 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 9 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 1 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 60[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 4 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 8 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers [i]Province 55[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 8 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 5 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 1 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 53[/i] - 14 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 5 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 1 Unit of Fighters [i]Province 52[/i] - 19 Units of Heavy Infantry - 3 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 2 Units of Bombers - 1 Unit of Fighters [b]Troop movement[/b] [i]From 53 to 55[/i] - 20 Units of Magi - 10 Units of War-Magi [i]From 60 to 61[/i] - 2 Units of Magi [i]From 61 to 51[/i] - 3 Units of Magi [i]From 51 to 47[/i] - 1 Unit of Magi [i]From 58 to 57[/i] - 20 Units of Magi - 15 Units of War-Magi [b]Production[/b] [i]Ground forces[/i] Province 58: War-Magi Province 59: War-Magi Province 60: War-Magi Province 55: War-Magi Province 53: Heavy Infantry Province 52: Heavy Infantry [i]Airforce[/i] Province 58: Fighter Province 59: Fighter Province 60: Fighter Province 55: Fighter Province 53: Fighter Province 52: Fighter [b]Research[/b] Enchantments [/hider]