After that sort of introduction, Ajax couldn't help but chuckle in a dismissive manner. Even if it had been in him to not express his disdain, it was all just too funny after living through what he had. The order of sages and scribes from a distant land, the ancient artifact of unspeakable power, oh please mighty Ajax assist us in our fight against evil for the good of the land, it was all like a typical story. He had lost count of how many useless baubles he had been made to recover under the impression they were mighty artifacts, how many times he'd gone off to fight "the evils of the realm" and wound up clearing a goblin den. "So...", he went, still grinning bemusedly, feet planted firmly on the table, eyeing his new employer up and down in a most indiscreet manner. If she spoke of events 25 years ago then she must be of some age, she took good care of herself. Probably elf blood in her or something of the like, he figured. Sorcery had its ways to keep one young. "You were part of this...order that fought against evil. Why are they not handling this, then? It sounds like just the task for them. And you've yet to say what's in it for us. The thrill of adventure is all well and good but no one should do things for nothing. It's degrading to their skills".