"Oh Iisska." Cheshik said, sipping on a bigger than average mug to match his large stature. "They most probably know now. Do as I do, and enjoy last drink in living world." He downed the tankard of ale and ordered another, placing a small tip with the gold when the waitress came over. She was as tall as Cheshik was but a quarter as wide. She looked trandoshan, but she was...off. A longer snout, smoother scales, and a full length tail. She winked at Cheshik before departing to return with his drink. Cheshik nudged Tristain, a question on his brain. "What race is that?" He motioned towards the lizard woman. "She like mine, Trandoshan, but not..." Tristain looked at Cheshik like he was a madman that was too drunk to be alive, but then remembered that he was outlander and was different. He called them "Tsurask" and said that they were rather common. Cheshik pursed his mouth a little and nodded. "Well. Won't feel like only scalie in room now." He chuckled and downed some more of his drink before Tristain realized something and asked what the girls would do without them. "The ladies will be fine. They stronger than any man in room. Beside, I told Pike to meet us on trail back to home if we get separated." Cheshik said. ____ The following morning, after lying low for a bit and sneaking their way out of the city just before dawn, they were on the road back to the ship, moving slowly with Kobel and Snickers. They has properly introduced one another the previous night and were now just making their way towards the tree line rather slowly, only slightly impatient to leave. "You don't think they stuck in-" Before Cheshik could finish that sentence, Nyrette ran past him with Quin right at her back. She leaped up to Iisska and jump-tackled him right off of Kobel. "You bastard!" She yelled, placing her hands around his neck and starting to wring it. "Quin told you not to get in trouble and what do you do?! GET IN BLOODY TROUBLE. What happens when you get in BLOODY TROUBLE?!" She yelled as Quin tried to pull her off of him. "WE. GET. ARRESTED. AND-" She was pulling and pushing his head against the ground. "I. GET. HIT. ON. BY. SIX. GUARDS. AND. MY. GIRL. FRIEND. GETS. HIT. ON. BY. ANOTHER. WOMAN. I. HATE. YOU."