[center][h3]The Chibi Announcers: Rei (blue) and Mei (yellow)[/h3] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/f0775149a4d712c9294238990d9679e3/tumblr_nhmnoj04SI1s9pnhbo1_500.png[/img] [color=fff200]Are you guys ready to have some fun!?[/color] [color=00aeef]M-Mei~ Stop being so l- YOU THERE! DIDN'T WE JUST TELL YOU TO GO TO THE GOD DAMN ASSEMBLY HALL?![/color] [i]Awww, aren't they cute? These cuties are the official Somiar announcers. They usually go around telling people about the events going on. However, they usually have a microphone with them that they don't use. Their voical cords are already deafening enough. That said... DON'T PISS THEM OFF. I don't care if they pull on your hair or sit on your head, just don't. They have two forms and one of their forms is always more than happy to give someone a little punishment. However, Rei is pretty... short tempered while Mei is well, not. [/i] [u]-They are one of the two most powerful living things on Somiar [/u] [/center]