[center][color=cf5300]Sona Penetierre[/color][/center] [center][color=cf5300]Location:[/color] The Tavern[/center] [center][color=cf5300]Interacting with:[/color] Everyone in the tavern[/center] Sona sighed, it was obvious that nobody was going to answer her question. Instead she dropped the blanket and looked around as she came to her senses. It seems that today was the day where everyone was going to travel to the designated place for their quest apart from one person... Sundos was busy being snuggled up by Lob, and Sona couldn't help but giggle slightly. It really was funny since Lob probably didn't even know what was going on. Hearing Kyra shouting out that it was breakfast time, Sona sighed softly and gently took Sundos out of Lob's clutches [color=cf5300]"There..."[/color] she smiled coldly towards him. [color=cf5300]"Your welcome"[/color] The elven bard then returned to her seat and stared at her harp once more [color=cf5300]"Guys, do you know any place where I can get sheet music??"[/color]