[color=DarkRed]"I don't take orders from you, Hiling, and this man is too dangerous to keep alive. Yzak is my fight, you can help Grant."[/color] Still, he pulled his beam rifle and fired a series of shots towards the Zaku's, taking one out and destroying the ax of another. Moving Duel towards Yzak, he pushes the suit onto it's back and levels his blade with the cockpit. [color=DarkRed]"I think we can both agree one of us was going to die, Yzak. Course, you were confident it was going to be my corpse on this battlefield. Guess Karma's a bitch."[/color] Thrusting quickly, the saber would have impaled Yzak's gut, making sure he would die, but giving him time to respond if he so choose.