And now for the first time I offer up a hero to this grand game. Behold! Note, like all the WW2 cast, she does have prior history and name recognition. This has been approved by NMS [b]Character you have created:[/b] Lilian Westerly [b]Alias:[/b] Lady Liberty [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=39b54a]Green[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Identity:[/b] Known, very well known. [b]Character Personality[/b]: Lilian was and still is a quintessential product of classical American beliefs. She is a firm believer in the rights of people to have equality, the right to democracy, freedom, ect. She's also not a glory hound, following nearly 30 years of fame and active superheroing after the end of the Second World War she withdrew from public life, living in seclusion rather than allowing her fame to go to her head and change her. Lilian is very dedicated to anything she undertakes and has a rather magnetic appeal to her that helps smooth out interactions with others and often can keep pointless conflicts from erupting. In more recent years as her old friends have begun to die off rapidly while she remains the same there is a certain melancholy air about her, a sense that there is some deep sadness lurking beneath the image of shining determination and dedication that she projects. Her body may have withstood the tests of time, but she has aged in other ways and some of the old youthfulness and charm has faded and withered over the years. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=Lilian, played by Erica Carrol][img][/img][/hider] As Lady Liberty, a symbol of America and a proud defender of the nation Lilian never wore a mask or hid who she was, something that has persisted to this day when she now dons the old costume again. As Lady Liberty she wears a light greenish attire that looks at least somewhat like rather form fitting body armor. The color resembles that of the statue that she shares a name with. She wears a helmet of the same color from which a series of spines emerge in a similar pattern again to the statue. Both the body suit and the helmet are mostly bulletproof and offer a degree of protection. Her black hair falls down, most often in a single neat braid out the back to keep it largely out of the way. On her back Lady Liberty has a cape that has a great resemblance to an American Flag. It is very easily removable as many have found when they attempted to grab it trip her up. Her attire also includes several other things in various places. She has a pair of pistols, one that is loaded with bullets and the other which is not the latter used primarily for energy fueled shots, medical supplies, ect. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Who doesn't know the story of Lady Liberty? The famed super heroine who led the team of American heroes during the Second World War to turn the tide against the AV and Nazi Germany. The famed super heroine who for years after the war led what remained of the team in protecting the United States of America, defending democracy, peace, and the American way. Who withdrew from public life and seemingly retired following the events of the Vietnam War sickened by what the government had demanded of her. Well for those who don't... Lilian Westerly was born a seemingly normal girl in an American family in the early half of the 1920s. She was the second and last child in the family with an older brother John. The earliest years of her life were ones of great if barely remembered happiness, it was the peak of the roaring 20s, those great years of prosperity and wealth that followed the victory in World War 1. Then the great depression hit and things became less pleasant. She remembers these years much more clearly than those that came before them as they were her formative years. It was often a struggle for her family to keep things together, to get enough food, to avoid poverty. But it was a struggle that in true American fashion they always managed to somehow persevere through. When World War 2 engulfed Europe her brother was one of those who volunteered to go and fight to halt the spread of Fascism unofficially. He would be killed in action there at the hands of the soon to be infamous Good Doctor himself. The news of her brother's death was something of a trigger and in her grief the young woman's latent abilities came to the forefront. But all the suddenly manifested superpowers in the world couldn't make a difference when the country refused to enter the war and was focused inwardly upon itself. After the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States entered the war but still she was unable to actually get involved. It would not be until she had almost given up on being able to help that people finally looked to her along with some others following the first real encounter the US forces had with the AV following the invasion of Europe. Along with such other great heroes as Colonel Ironsides, Doc Miracle, Private X, Harbinger, and the Answerer Lilian would take up the very patriotic name of Lady Liberty to stand against the forces that the evil mass murderer had unleashed upon the world. And she was the one who turned the tide against the AV and Germany in the end. She was the one who entered the Good Doctor's citadel in Stuttgart, who fought her way through the last fanatical members of the AV, and who confronted the Good Doctor himself at the heart of the vile place. There she defeated him, leaving him impaled and dying upon a broken support structure as the base self destructed. There had been casualties of the war among her friends and teammates. Doc Miracle had used up the last of his life force saving people from the last plagues that had been unleashed, Private X had been slain in the Battle of the Bulge, and the others were tired. But she kept them together after the war, there was more that needed to be done, there would always be enemies of freedom and democracy, always be threats that needed to be answered, and they were the best suited to answer them. For nearly 30 years following the end of World War 2 Lady Liberty and her fellows fought on behalf of America, standing against the tyranny and oppression of the dreaded Soviet Union. But eventually the conflict began to drain them and even Lady Liberty grew disillusioned by some of the things she was asked to do. In the end, following the Vietnam war she withdrew from public life and her role, and the team of which she had been the heart and soul also faded away. While she once withdrew from the world to keep her sanity and stop her image from being twisted and to keep from doing things she felt were not right in the service of the government she has watched the emergence of a new age of meta-humans with both interest and apprehension. The new heroes had appeared to have things under control until recently. But she can not stomach standing by and doing nothing as a madman launches an assault upon the great nation that she fought for years to defend against all forms of tyranny and oppression. [hider=In Depth History of Lady Liberty](WIP For those familiar with the Good Doctor her history is of a similar length and depth, I'll hopefully be adding the full version here in time, for the moment though the cliffnotes version will have to do.)[/hider] [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Energy [b]Power Level:[/b] World Level [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [indent]Flight: Lady Liberty is capable of sustained flight at great speed. Notably however she cannot simply hover in place, she actually must maintain momentum to stay in the air. Super Strength/Speed: Lady Liberty possesses superhuman strength and speed. Superhuman Resilience: She's substantially harder to injure than a normal human, but notably less of a tank than many of the more modern metahumans. She can actually be injured by bullets if they strike the right places and she is only resistant not immune to most toxins and hazardous compounds. Energy Projection: Lady Liberty has the ability to use her aura of energy offensively for weaponized blasts of various kinds. One of the most common and least taxing on her is funneling her energy through a weapon such a gun and firing what resemble bullets of energy. She can also shoot rays of energy from her hands and pulse her whole aura in a destructive wave around her, though that is a very draining thing to use. Her energy is green. Aura Burn: The most powerful and also dangerous ability that Lady Liberty possesses is the Aura Burn where she takes her aura into herself, bottling up all of the energy that her body naturally produces and keeping it in a captive loop. This massively ramps up her all her abilities but at the same time is actually poisoning herself in a way. The build of energy that fuels this state is unstable and damaging. Her superhuman resilience allows her to endure it without ill effects for a period of time but the longer she bottles it up the more damage it starts to do to her even through her resilience. It should also be noted that she can use varying degrees of Aura Burn and so falls on a spectrum in terms of how long she can use it for and what the effects are.[/indent] [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent]Strength Level: [indent]Base: 50 tons Aura Burn: 200+ tons [/indent] Speed/Reaction Timing Level: [indent]Base: 100 miles per hour Aura Burn: Supersonic speeds [/indent] Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: [indent]Base: 5 hours Aura Burn: 15 minutes (a bit longer if she is willing to risk serious injury and death as a side effect) [/indent] Agility: 20x Intelligence: Average on the whole Fighting Skill: Mastered Resources: Pretty much anything money can buy, she's got a massive amount of it as well as being one of if not the most well known hero on earth. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Lady Liberty's biggest weakness is her own endurance and the fact that she actually can damage herself if she pushes herself too far and burns too hard for too long. Otherwise she doesn't really have any glaring weaknesses. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [indent]Colonel Ironsides: The nearly invulnerable armored titan, Colonel Ironsides was her closest friend among her old team. He is deceased. The Answerer: A master infiltrator and espionage agent whose skill at information gathering was unmatched by any at the time, The Answerer still lives though he is confined to a wheelchair and extremely weak. Harbinger: A man who could summon a suit of mystical armor and bestow similar suits upon creatures enlarge them to serve as his mounts. Harbinger has aged but slowly, he and his war dog still live on. The Good Doctor: Her old nemesis, believed long dead. More to come.[/indent] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] yes