Full name: Eric Pierce Grade Level: sophomore/10th grade Appearance: [hider][img]http://lovelace-media.imgix.net/uploads/762/d4748f90-9a22-0132-a2cb-0e6808eb79bf.png?w=670&fit=max&auto=format&q=70[/img][/hider] Graduation major: English Academics/Clubs: Member of both the literature and anime/manga clubs What would you say your home life is like?: It's okay. Things have certainly hard for mom ever since dad died but we get by without serious financial trouble, the fact that is just the two of us no doubt helps. What are your dreams for your future? Your ideal job?: I have always wanted to be a writer. If you were given one million dollars, what would you do with it?: I would probably give a third to my mother, set part of my share aside for college and spend any remaining money on stuff I want. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?: This is a tough one, but as a wannabe writer I'm pretty good at story telling. What about the worst thing about yourself?: The fact that I need glasses and look like the actor playing Harry Potter has gotten me the attention of several bullies. What would you say is a fact about yourself you're most afraid getting out? I suffer from [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyctophobia]Nyctophobia[/url], or to put it simply I'm afraid of the dark. - Codename assigned: Pyroblazer Power gained: 561329 - Can ignite at will, also has the power to create and throw fireballs though these are noticeably stronger when ignited. Finally being ignited comes with the ability to fly at a top speed off 24 miles per hour Costume design plans: Prescription contact lenses designed to make his eyes look like lava, ([url=http://www.youknowit.com/novelty-contact-lenses/lava-contact-lenses.html]pretty much these but more realistic [/url]) a face covering red and black mask shaped like a dragon's head with large holes for the eyes, an orange medieval looking hooded tunic and black scaly gloves made to look like real skin with "claws" instead of fingernails. All fireproof of course. Assigned back story: A fire-elemental who thanks to a messed up spell ended up in our world, Pyroblazer has agreed to help protect Central City while looking for a way back to his own dimension.