[center][h3][sub][i][color=salmon]F i o n a[/color][/i][/sub][/h3][/center] [sub][sub][h3][i]Armistice - Eastern Gate - [color=green]500 HP[/color] - 6/6 Stamina[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [hr] "You honor me with your words, Sister. It is a brave thing to do - thrusting yourself into the unknown for something you believe in. Tell me, Fiona; what do you know of the world outside of this city?" Fiona had to stop herself from smiling, as the feeling within her was something of a mix between relief and elation. Not only did Ezheia not reprimand her for her choice, she [i]commended[/i] her for it. Said she was [i]brave[/i]. And she would be coming, too! It was an incredible feeling, no longer being alone in the pursuit. There were already many others, of course, but none that could share in the experience of serving the Burning Light. Not until now. She almost had to do a double-take at the question the Decanus asked, not quite hearing it until it sank in. She understood the concern at once. [color=salmon]"I've studied diligently, Sister. I know of the nearby regions and their relevant history, and what I should expect in terms of environments. I've studied the Order's bestiary extensively. I... have only been outside the walls a few times, and never very far... but that's why I'm traveling in a group, rather than alone. I'm aware that my own skill and training may not be enough."[/color] As so many of her teachers and superiors had informed her, possessing the knowledge of how to defeat something, and actually doing it, were vastly different things. None disagreed that Fiona had potential; physically she was adequate, and still improving, magically she excelled, particularly as a healer, and she was intelligent, quick to grasp new concepts. She could do this, she knew she could. "Promise me this, Fiona. You and I are the Order's sole representatives on this journey. I aim to serve as an exemplar of what it means to serve in its ranks, and implore you do the same." Fiona nodded, solemnly. [color=salmon]"Of course. I am a protector of the light, a destroyer of the darkness. Serving beside you will be an honor, and I will do everything in my power to acquit myself well. You have my word."[/color] Perhaps she did not have experience against horrors of the outside world, but Fiona was not as green as some of the others. Armistice was not always a safe place, and she'd served within its walls for months now. She would not turn from danger beyond the walls, nor would she allow her allies to fall if it was within her power to stop it. Such was the decree of the Order: to defend the people, even when it meant sacrifice was necessary. [sub][sub][h3][i]Azra - Public Roads - [color=green]500 HP[/color] - 6/6 Stamina[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub] [hr] Fiona listened to the conversation taking place between the carts. It was a bit of an ice-breaker, she expected, since there had been so much uncomfortable silence to start out with. Fiona hadn't imagined the group would end up that way. Perhaps it was foolish, but she had always imagined such a venture would have some sense of camaraderie to it. There was certainly very little of that so far. Just between the two Sisters. She occupied herself staring out at the landscapes. Mountains in the distance, peaceful meadows and woods... it was hard to imagine the world was a horrible, dark place beyond from here, but it had always been that way. The beasts had never touched these parts, for reasons unknown. Having never been this far from the city before, Fiona could've stared at it all day, but decided it would be best to chat a little with the others, so that they would know her a bit and potentially come to trust her. The largest man of the group seemed a good place to start. He was a bit intimidating to look upon, and had a way of weighing down the carriage they rode in, but Fiona knew well that first impressions were hardly a fair representation of any man or woman. [color=salmon]"Excuse me,"[/color] she said, reaching across the carriage to lightly tap his knee. [color=salmon]"I've been wondering... the others that wear that sigil you carry, are they all as large as you? It seems it would be frustrating, as much as it is advantageous. Do you bump your head on things often?"[/color] It was an honest question, really. They didn't make bunks big enough for men like him in the Order's Temple, and several of the doorways would require ducking to fit through.