Belle had waited until the room filled out quite a bit before getting to the front of the room and she gave the room a bright smile. "Hello new students and welcome to your first year of college, my name is Belle and I am your Resident Assistant. I know you all must be really excited to look around so I won't keep you long but as your RA it's my duty to tell you the rules of staying at our on campus dormitory," Belle began to explain seeing a few girls already texting and others looking completely bored. "So to start out I think many of you know that college is a time where a lot of people let loose and that is awesome but we do have something called quiet hours. On the weekends we require you to maintain a a low level of noise from 2AM to 11AM and during the weekends 10AM to 8AM. This doesn't mean you have to sneak around but just watch how loud you play your music and such." Belle stood up and picked up a box that contained rolled up shirts. The young blond began to walk around handing out a few shirts as Anna took over, "Hey gorgeous girls so in your rooms you have to be aware of fire hazards and not have these items in your rooms; no candles, incense, space heaters, microwaves, 6-headed lamps, smoking in your room, halogen lamps, extension cords that run under rugs or furniture, toasters, toaster ovens, electric blankets, paper lanterns," Anna continued to speak as Belle handed out the shirts, there were at least twenty and having one more shirt she stepped over to Emma and handed her one flashing her a warm smile, Emma seemed nice if not a little lost but at least she seemed to be paying attention. Jogging back up with the empty box Belle could see the expressions of the girls who seemed to be losing their minds with Anna's listing of the rules and Belle chuckled. After a few minutes Anna switched out with Belle who gave another sweet smile. "Remember girls, if you need anything at all please contact either myself, Anna or one of our other RA's who will be more than happy to talk to you or help in any way, we don't bite." Belle said with a playful wink but Anna grinned. "Hard!" She added causing Belle to shoot her a playful glare laughing before turning back to the girls. "Enjoy your time here girls, you're free to go." Watching as the girls began leaving Belle turned to Anna. "Do you always have to make everything so sexual?" She questioned shaking her head but Anna just giggled. "It's not my fault you don't let anyone see your other side, you might get a nice slice if you lightened up." Anna grinned smacking Belle from behind before jogging to the other side of the room before Belle could smack her in return. "Byee!"