[hider=My Hider] Name: Frank O'Malley Occupation: Factory Worker Personality: Gruff, but reasonable Appearance: Mid 30's - Early 40's. Hair mostly stubble, but very curly if grown out, which he doesn't let happen often. Tired, yet piercing green eyes. His beard is brown, showing none of the gray streaks claiming his head. Despite his beard being scraggly and messy where it wasn't patchy, he was very proud of it, spending most of his time preening or absentmindedly stroking it. Beyond that, think middle age factory worker. Old clothes stained with the grease from working with machines, slightly protruding belly, large hairy arms with fading plain blue tattoos showing from his once-white tee. Personality: Frank has always been a bit of a loner. He dropped out of high school early, getting his GED later, when it became apparent that factory work was his only meal ticket. He's spent years going from factory to factory, working with all varieties of people, but never rising above factory floor peon. Despite being naturally graced at working with and understanding machines, Frank has always had a lazy attitude, preventing him from progressing through the ranks. [/hider] Ok, so I'm thinking Frank can live in the same apartment as Johnny, maybe coming home from the nearby factory soon after the swat attacks the drug dealers. Thoughts?