[center][h3]Erickson of the God Eaters[/h3][/center] [i][u]Azra-Public roads-1000 HP [/u][/i] Erickson hated carraiges... too small, and restricting, hard to get to his weapons out or move around at all. He was also worried about his horse... even hitched to a carriage the big beast was dangerous without a rider who knew how to handle it. It may try to unhitch, chase some small animal... or if some child got a bit to close to the caravan and it felt hungry. As he stewed about this, one of his new companions sought his attention, [color=f6989d][i]"Excuse me,"[/i][/color], she even lightly tapped him on the knee to make sure he noticed her, [color=f6989d][i]"I've been wondering... the others that wear that sigil you carry, are they all as large as you? It seems it would be frustrating, as much as it is advantageous. Do you bump your head on things often?"[/i][/color], it was a surprisingly innocent question. She was one of the Priestesses from the order of Burning light. She was a young woman, her face free of any blemishes and quite feminine, she had fiery red hair, he could see it even under her hood, and her eyes were a piercing blue. He knew she was a user of magic, and most likely stronger than she looked. [color=f26522]"Are all God Eaters as large as me? Gods no, it would be more expensive to maintain our armor than our own fort. We are as varied as any other order."[/color], this was the first time he had said he was a God Eater out loud, no more ominous allusion to it. [color=f26522]"As for my head, it is sometimes difficult. Often I must bend and hunch to enter buildings others have no issue with. But it goes further, a carriage like this is a good example."[/color], he shifted uncomfortably to make his point, [color=f26522]"It is hard for me to feel comfortable in such tight quarters, mainly because it is hard to draw my weapons. But I did not become a Knight for comfort, I became a Knight to kill beasts and gain power."[/color], he looked the woman up and down again, [color=f26522]"That answer your question priestess? And if I may ask... what is it like to be in the Order of Burning Light? Wield powerful magic? I've seen it on the field, it is quite... inticing."[/color]