Anna awoke that morning as soon as dawn broke, the same as she had every other morning for as long as she could remember. The days were short enough as is, and spending them sleeping was a waste, better to wake when the sun is up and enjoy the day proper. But today was no ordinary day, not the usual affair of waking, bathing, dressing, and attending more lessons from the best private tutors the Arendelle fortune could hire - and then doubled since the tutors had to educate both Anna and her estranged sister Elsa. No, today was quite special, as marked clearly on the calendar hanging on Anna's wall, today was Elsa's eighteenth birthday, and that marked the day when Elsa was going to take over the family business at last. Arendelle Industries, a large and well-known company, was largely a family-run business. Elsa, being the older sibling by two years, of course got the preferential treatment and the future of being the boss, while Anna, the younger, would probably only find a place doing secretarial work - assuming she would even stay with the company when she became old enough. For all she knew, Anna could just as easily meet some charming, wonderful guy and run away to a life of marriage and happiness and a whole different business to worry about. It was a nice dream, one Anna thought of often. But it was hard to meet people, potential suitors or otherwise, when the most contact Anna had with others was through her tutors or via the news reports. The outside world was interested in Arendelle Industries, even more so with the untimely death of Anna and Elsa's parents. When their parents died, neither sister knew what would happen next. Anna looked to Elsa for guidance, but it never came. Elsa seemed to take the death harder than Anna, going so far as to ignore Anna everytime she knocked on her big sister's door, be it for a simple talk or even to play a game. Oh, how the sisters used to love to play, board games, imaginary games, their laughter was like music. But all of that changed suddenly, and Anna wasn't sure why. One day, Elsa just stopped talking to Anna, stopped coming out of her room. Anna had never felt lonelier than the day Elsa first told Anna to go away after knocking on her door. And when their parents died it made things worse. Still, Anna remained in good spirits, cheering herself up even if she only had [i]things[/i] to play with instead of other people. Her room was full of toys, stuffed animals from when she was younger, dolls, games, a closet full of clothes. If Anna couldn't spend time and have fun with Elsa, she'd entertain herself, and it wasn't as if the family bank account was hurting - what would a few dozen toys or outfits hurt in the longrun? Anna made her own happiness, but every day she made the effort to knock on Elsa's door, and every day it turned out the same. But maybe today would be different. It was Elsa's birthday after all, and there was going to be a party, and Elsa was going to take over the company officially, there would be cameras and guests and celebrations. How exciting! Anna was out of bed, rushing past the toys cluttered around her floor and soon she was out into the hall of the family manor, running past the staff and stopping at Elsa's door. She knocked twice. "Elsa? Elsa, it's Anna." There was no response, but Anna maintained her smile, for even if Elsa wasn't going to answer her now, there was still the party, and Elsa would have to show up there. "I guess you're sleeping birthday, Elsa...see the party, right?" Anna shrugged her shoulders and returned to her own room, disappointed but not disheartened. Later that day, Anna was dressed for the party. Preferring more 'girly' pursuits, she was wearing a bright red dress complete with heels. Her hair, normally kept in a braid, was straightened and falling to her neck. The dress wasn't incredibly long, but long enough to favor her slender and womanly figure, and she had already been photographed by members of the press as soon as she walked into the main hall where the party and the signing was taking place. Anna was wide eyed in wonder, first at how many people were there, and then at how amazing the manor looked all decorated and vibrant. As she was talking with a member of the press about her sister, leaving out the part where they hadn't actually spoken since they were children, Anna turned her head and saw Elsa coming down the stairs in a beautiful blue dress. As she looked at Elsa, who had grown into an adult right before her eyes, Anna couldn't help but smile, though behind the smile was a strong sadness, sadness that they had been so alienated for so long. Hopefully tonight would change things.