The twins had been resigned to slack-jawed staring as the screaming, choked gasping, and limb flailing spectacle unfolded before them. Iisska was beginning to turn blue and desperately trying to spit out words through a crushed voice box while failing to push a woman half his size off himself. Even Quin's best efforts did nothing to dislodge Nyrette. Kobel nervously ran circles around them, prancing and nuzzling the pile of angry outlanders, unsure if he should use any sort of violence to save his master. "Oh," Tristan said quietly, "Should we help him? I mean this is partially our fault." "Mm. She seems to be on there pretty tight. I don't think there's much of anything we can do at this point that wouldn't make it worse," Luke shrugged. "True, true. I suppose we don't even know these girls or the whole story and it would be rude for a few nobodies to interrupt a reunion," Tristan nodded. Nyrette's screaming had devolved into insane splintered threats and single grunted words and her grip only seemed to get tighter. She even dug her knees sharply into her prey's sides to further thwart Quin who was practically dragging them both along the ground as she applied all her strength. Iisska arched and kicked and struggled and then made a horrible rasping noise while frantically pointing at them. "Then again I would much rather not be privy to a murder on top of all the rest of this trouble," Luke mused. "They won't kill him," Tristan rolled his eyes, "Will they?" Cheshik jumped off Snickers and was yelling at Nyrette to stop. He dove into the fray and yanked her up by her shoulders. Nyrette stopped for a moment. Then let go of Iisska and lunged at Cheshik with entirely renewed fury. Luckily, Quin still had her by the waist and wheeled her around away from the boys with a strained yell. "Stop! Stop!," Quin begged, "Nyrette! Calm down!" Iisska rolled pathetically onto his side drooling and gasping and struggling to catch his breath while Kobel stood over him. "Hey don't we know her?" Tristan asked. "That's the woman who got a bit 'friendly' with you yesterday when you tried to get rid of the book. How do you forget something like that?" Luke said. Tristan blushed deeply and coughed, "Right! Right. I didn't forget. I just..." "I think we should take this as an opportunity to leave. These people are too much trouble." "Nonsense," Tristan dismounted, "This just needs a civil touch is all." He walked right up to Quin with her arm-full of out-of-control-girlfriend and bowed politely. She was not impressed. "Excuse me, ladies," there was an extra suave lilt to his voice, "There has been a complete misunderstanding. Your, eh, friends, saved us from a terrible fate and--" "YOU!" Quin snarled at him. A wild look of realization came across her face. "Me?" Tristan pointed at himself. There was no time to react. Nyrette was loose. Quin had balled up her fist and laid into Tristan's face so hard he was sent sprawling on the ground in a cloud of dust.