[@dirty slime][@Mtntopview] (Got bored. Started typing.) As this Flame Knight was being carried away by a couple of 6-winged angels, a third angel, also bearing so many wings appears in the air ahead of them. He has a youthful face, light blue eyes, and long, pristine white hair. He is clad in white and gold armor, which white wings, no bloodstains, and has a sword untouched at his side. He emminates a gentle, warm brilliance that seems to lighten up his zone in the sky. Clearly this "angel" isn't one the others recognize, yet he doesn't seem hostile. Without a word, hovering in place, he lifts a hand, palm outward toward the severely injured knight and heals him. Surely, the angels react defensively, yet Eclipse merely smiles and begins to descend. The white demigod lands on the ground below, not far from Optimus Prime, as if to address him. Eclipse stands up and stares at the large, mechanical life form with some scrutiny over his weapon. "Greetings!" The white-haired being finally exclaims with no fear whatsoever. "I am Eclipse." Being semi-divine, and insightful, Eclipse could tell that both the knight and the transformer before him were beings of order. Optimus rang of patience and mercy. Perhaps he could be reasoned with.