[h3]Vega Ashworth | Festival[/h3] It looks like Illedrith was going to be the one to step up. He felt her hard gaze on his back as he turned, in returned he also shot back a crazed look, just looking at the two, he knew exactly which one was the right one, it was due to the parting of her hair which never seemed to change, but he wasn't about to tell her that. Vega may seem like some childish idiot with no social skills, but he was quite the intelligent mage, and talented no doubt, and he knew that, which owed to him being the person he was today. Forming his scythe simultaneously blocking the halberd, he turned part way to speak, [color=slategray]"I'm so insulted that you would use the blunt end Illendrith, don't you have any faith in my skill?"[/color], he teased. This wasn't the first time they'd come to blows, in fact he's come to blows with almost everyone present. With a twirl of the scythe he returned them to their neutral stances. Although barely moments before they entered those stances he went in for a twin kick, once a spinning low roundhouse followed by a side kick at the end of the spin towards the chest, his scythe over his shoulder as he did. Following the kicks and mirroring the motions would be his magic, extending it's range and adding all the effects of his magic to it.