[h3][b][i][color=7F7765][center]Lucan Cauldwell[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=7F7765]Location:[/color][/b] The Crossed Swords Tavern [b][color=7F7765]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Kyra, Sundos, Cremwise, Femnal[/center] Moving downstairs, Lucan settled back down at his spot at the bar, beside Kyra in time for her to burst out laughing. Shifting his gaze over his shoulder, Lucan scoffed as he saw Sundos enveloped in the arms of the half-orc. Taking his breakfast as it was brought out, Lucan began to eat, watching the situation unfold as Kyra picked up a sausage and tossed it in the direction of the cleric. Chewing on his own sausage, Lucan turned back toward the Cleric, chuckling [color=7F7765]"Not sure if your god meant 'become a teddy bear' when they talk about spreading their love."[/color] Lucan called in the man's direction as he was freed by the elf, he doubted that Sundos would appreciate the comment, men of god usually took offence to Lucan poking fun at their beliefs, but Lucan had never been a man of Lathander, or any god for that matter, Lucan was far more secular in his beliefs than the majority of people he came across, and it had gotten him in trouble enough that he'd simply learned to stop caring. Shifting his gaze over to Cremwise as he came back into the room, Lucan watched the fat man closely, with his large-brimmed hat and way of carrying himself that all generally well-to-do individuals had. He listened boredly to his brief explanation, normally, Lucan would've been hoping for more action, but instead now he simply hoped to get the job done and through Orcish territory as quickly as possible, so he could bid farewell to those he was with and be on his way to greener pastures. Watching as the payment was set on the counter, Lucan was far less careful with asking questions than Keystone, as far as he was concerned, he knew all he needed to. Finishing his breakfast, he moved over to where the coins had been placed, picking up his pieces of silver and counting them, it was fair enough, had the expedition been going the other way, he'd have likely been content with this half and taken off then and there, likely not to be seen again, but he would do no such thing this time, he had to earn an honest day's pay once in his life, after all. Scoffing as he heard Keystone's question of ranking, Lucan set his coin into the pouch on his belt and moved to take another seat, chain mail jangling slightly as he did so - but he said nothing. Lucan didn't really see it necessary to hop into an argument over who should or shouldn't lead, he didn't particularly care, they'd all be getting paid the same, after all, and he didn't see much need for set leadership. Simply, he was just amused by Keystone's attention to detail, and numerous questions.