Erika walked into the main office and looked at the person on duty. "I am here to see Miles is all,... he called me. You know what it's all about?" She asked. The officer just shrugged. She sighed and continued past him tossing the empty bottle into the trash can. As she walked down the hall she saw armed guards outside his door. Now she was starting to worry. As she approached they side stepped and one grabbed the door nob and pulled the door open. She nodded and stepped through. Not just every lieutenant but every major and high ranking officer on base stood in the room. She gulped and stepped forward the door closing on her way in. "Alright now that your all here...." Miles pressed a button on the phone sitting on the desk. "Repeat everything you just said to me General......" "Forty hours ago a attack occurred on the Wayland Yutani building in central Manhattan. We don't know if it was terrorists or what, but the damage has been done. A few secrets we held within the labs below escaped. Xenomorph Class.... you've read reports about them before and know what to expect. We got a infestation on our hands. You will all be put to the task of cleaning it up. We have gotten reports from civilians of them being spotted all over the place already. Nothing to special just single glances of solitary specimens. They are probably not at full strength yet using the sewers to get around. Problem is it wont take long before they are. You people are to evacuate as many as you can and kill as many of them as you can if you run into them. Your orders are to shoot them on site. That is all dismissed." After that came static. Miles looked up at all the men and women that shared the room. A lot of them did not know what to do. They trained all their lives for this moment and now the day had come to put that training to the test would they be able to overcome this obstacle? Will they survive? or are they all fucked. Erika looked up at Miles. "Well sir.... what are your orders." She asked. Miles looked right to her and smiled. "Your orders are simple.... evacuate the city. We have enough soldiers here at the base to do it. My division will start in Manhattan. The rest of you will do the rest of the city. If you have contact with the Xenos you shoot them on sight." He said. He looked to the other men and women and they all returned nods. With that they exited the room and proceeded out side. Erika and Miles where alone for about a second or too. "Well lets go.... nothing more to do or say but our jobs." She said. Miles stood up straight and hoisted up his rifle. "Well lets hope it ends as beautifully as the General said it..." -------------------- "From what I heard,... she lost a brother in the east. Do to one of them uprisings. Her father put her here to keep her from getting killed.. Funny thing is her job is a lot tougher then her brothers was." Jarvis said. He then looked to Blitz. "She is also are superior officer so giving her a bit of respect is expected. She ain't nothing she special. If she was truly given special treatment,.... she would be a much higher rank then what it is." He said. He then shrugged and went back to his work. "She also saved David's life once... nearly at the cost of her own from what I heard." He looked to the other man. "Right?" He asked. David simply nodded. "Yeah l don't really want to talk about it.... lets just enjoy the day." David added. He leaned back and laid in the Jeep. Jarvis crouched down and as he did so he saw a few squads mobilizing. He stared in their direction as he continued to wash the jeep. "Is there some practice run that I wasn't told about?....." He said. Then suddenly came running towards them was Erika and Miles. "Get your shit together guys,... we are finally mobilizing." Erika said. Jarvis looked to her and smiled. "Cool what planet we going to?... Mars?.....Saturn?" He asked. Miles put a hand on his shoulder. "Manhattan,... turns out Xenomorph class species escaped from the labs. They have already been spotted in several places across the city. We are to evacuate the island and kill as many of those things we see." He said. Jarvis went white in the face at the answer. He always pictured to fight them on some distant planet ,but not on their home turf. What did Wayland do? He sighed and climbed into the jeep and positioned himself on the big gun on top. Miles took to the driver seat while Erika took to the passenger side. Miles was nervous and so was Erika. She knew she had a bad feeling something was going to happen, and it was a bad feeling. She sighed and looked to David and then Blitz. Once she felt everyone was secure Miles floored it. They joined what would seem like one big mobilization of vehicles. Mostly trucks, armored transports, and jeeps just like theirs. ------------------------------------- Hotaru was located in her apartment, not too far away from Kiley's and Elyana's. A lot more fancier and more prettier of course. Hotaru sat there at the table eating some of her birthday cake with her father. Then he pushed a present towards her. "Go on open it..." He said. She looked to him and then the present and pulled the string and began to unwrap it. What she saw was a small case. The outside was leather with a steel trim. She pressed down on the cache and opened the box. What she saw was a .44 magnum. She looked right up at her father with a curious look. It looked a lot more shiny and it had even a few customization's. Such as a laser sight and a heavy looking frame. It sure was heavy and when she picked it up she could feel it. She then looked to her father. "A gun?" "New York is a dangerous place,... you might need it." He said in response. She sighed and would have refused it ,but.... he was right. It was a dangerous city with all kinds of bad people in it. She looked over at the others and they were small gifts as well. When she pulled one in and opened it. What she discovered was a locket. When she opened it she saw a picture. On one side was her and her father. On the other was her Mother with her father. "I know you miss your mother despite her leaving I put that picture in there." He said. She smiled and nodded. She quickly put it on and before she could grab another present she heard screaming. When she looked to the door she could swear they came from outside. She got up and was going to move towards it but her father beat her to the door. She walked ever slowly grabbing the .44 magnum of the table as she did. When he opened the door he saw a lady and her child run past the door. When he looked outside he pulled himself back in right away and closed the door and locked it. "What is it father?" She asked him. "I don't is some kind of monster." He said. She pulled her head back and looked to the door. At first she thought he was just trying to scare her. Then she heard a pound at the door. It sounded like something strong and heavy hit the door. Just with the first hit she saw pieces of the door begin to splinter. Then it hit the door again and the door cracked in half. She raised the gun up and aimed at the door. Her father moved to the table and opened the next gift and handed it to her. "It's ammo for the gun. Take it... and escape through the laundry elevator..... your small enough to fit inside." He said pushing her towards it. "What about you father?.... aren't you coming?" She asked. Now she was scared. Then it came through the door... it was big. Much taller then any human. It was also ugly and pitch black. As if it was full of emptiness. As it moved to regain its footing her father began to push her ever more towards the laundry elevator. She reluctantly climbed inside it. "Keep the gun and locket safe.... don't worry. Daddy will always be with you." Then suddenly something tore right through him as if he was nothing. She can see the sharp point poking out almost hitting her on the other side. What she saw behind him was it. It began to pull him away ,but before he let go he pushed the button that started the elevator down. The last thing she saw was a number on the beasts forehead. The number Nine..... ------------------------------------------------- Jin stood in line at a coffee shop and then suddenly a gun shot was heard. Him and several patrons of the shop looked outside. "That sounded military grade weapon fire.... what the hell." He said. He found himself moving to the door and trying to steal a look outside. What he saw was about ten soldiers down the street firing their weapons. Terrorists? He thought to himself. Then something leaped out at one of the soldiers tackling the soldier to the ground. The other soldiers gunned it down but not at the cost of the soldier beneath it as he screamed in agony and was suddenly silenced. What the flying fuck is going on here? There was more gun fire and then another soldier went down. He looked to the police hub across the street and saw officers exiting the building to see what was going on. He suddenly saw one of those things dart from behind the alley next to it. He reached into his shirt and moved his hand up grabbing the hand grip of his chrome .45. He kicked open the door and took aim and fired. The bullet tore through its head. However, it just stood there and turned its head. Fuck... that did nothing but piss it off. Or did it? The officers turned and saw it pulling out their guns and opened fire. With a few rounds from his own gun they took it down. He lowered the gun and ran across the street over to it. Joined by a old police officer and another who looked like he just left the academy. "What the hell was that....." "I don't know Charlie but it's giving the men in green over their a run for their money." The old man looked up at Jin as he answered him. He heard a screech and as he looked up he saw another one sitting on top of a car. The number ten etched into its forehead. He aimed his gun up at it. The other officers did the same. Then suddenly more of its friends showed up walking like they were human. Then they lowered their bodies tell they were on all fours. "Charlie.... run your ass back in that building... don't think. Just do...." He said. Him and the other officers nodded and began to unload their weapons in a barrage of gun fire at the monsters as they backed themselves up into the building and inside. They locked the doors and proceeded to the desk. The woman from before had ducked behind it. "What the hell is going on Charlie?....." The old man had the look of terror. "I don't know Dianne..... but whatever they are. They aint from this world." He said. "Aliens?...." She responded and the room went silent and looked at her. "What?... I know I don't look it but I have always been a ufo nut." She said. Jin rolled his eyes and looked to her side arm. "Best be prepared to use that cause it ain't over...." Suddenly he heard screams from down below. "They got inside?.... how in the hell." George looked down the hall the led down below. "Sewer drains son... we have sewer drains in the showers." He said. Jin cursed and looked to the other officers. "Let's go up to the second floor and barricade ourselves inside. It's our best chance." He said. Him and the other officers proceeded up and then he heard a familiar scream. It was Danny's.... He stopped for only a second and then continued forward. "Damn it...." ------------------------------------------ Taki stood inside the tea shop. She shoes tapping on the floor as she watched a video provided by Mr. Cheng. It was that of Danny stealing a very expensive vase from the a shelf. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact he was stealing. He even looked at the camera. A hand went up to her face and she began to massage her forehead. "How much did that cost?..." "Five hundred...." He answered. She then looked to her boys who stood there. "He's at the police station on Broadway and Lexington.... Yojiro was around there too. Still might be. Go find him and tell him Danny stole from old man Cheng." She said. The nodded and proceeded to exit. She looked to Cheng and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Next time,... just call me and let me know. Don't just tell us no... okay." She said rather smoothly. She liked the old man. He was kind of like a uncle to her. Which is the only reason she let it slide. Theft or not... you pay your protection. He was a special case though. The old man nodded. "This months payment is on us this time... don't worry we will get your vase back. IF not... well Danny can come in and help you around the store." She said. She looked to her boys who stood in front of the glass window. She rose a brow and noticed that people were running. What she saw next was military hummer drove up and parked itself. The gunner on top opened fire on something. The soldiers inside got out and started firing as well. Okay now her attention was fully on what was going on outside as she stepped up to the window and took a peak. Weird ugly creatures from a horror film were running up the street and getting gunned down and not just the street, but along the walls as well. One such Xenomorph stopped and looked at the gunner. She could swear she saw sacks on each side of its head begin to glow and then suddenly it ejected from its mouth a massive amount of acidic spit. Not only did it melt the gun and the plate behind it, but some of the spit hit the soldier on the other side and melted him too. She grimaced and began to back up. "Boys we are parked in back right?...." She then saw her motorcycle right beside the hummer and she cursed. She then took a deep breathe and stood up straight. "Hate to say this boys but our only escape is our vehicles up front.... lets get out there and fire off a few rounds at these things and then take off...." She said. They looked to her and then back outside grabbing out their guns. Mostly small guns, like one had a mac ten and another had a simple barreta. She pulled out her handgun from underneath her suit jacket. She sighed and looked to the people with her. I am not dressed for this kind of thing right now..... She took a deep breathe and together they rushed out. The took aim and began to fire at the monsters. They took down a few with concentrated fire power. The soldiers even took a hint of the strategy and did the same. Targeting the same targets and using less rounds too. However they were not there to help the soldiers..... One of the Xenos came charging and leaped tackling her to the ground. It hissed and was about to finish her of when it got a whack to its face by a broom. It didn't hurt it,... it looked over seemingly irritated. It rose up and moved to deal with the old man. She took the moment and kicked at its feet tripping it up. She then moved quickly to her feet with a flip. As soon as she got to her feet she put several rounds into it. Her men did not fair too good though as they were getting taken down. She moved to her bike and looked to Cheng...."Hop on. I will get you out of here." She screamed. He stepped forward and then was tackled to the ground. She aimed her gun and was about to fire but stopped. Cheng had his hand up and aimed towards her. "You get out of here Taki.... save yourself!... Now!" She hesitated for a second looking at the monster. It's head turned to look at her and she saw the number 6 imprinted on it's head. She closed her eyes as a tear ran down her cheek and she put the pistol in its spot. "I'm sorry!..." She said and hit the gas peddle and drove off nearly dodging a pounce from a Xenomorph. Cheng looked forward and smiled. "You may have killed me but she got away...." The Xenomorph looked at him and they stared at one another. It was as if it understood what he said. If six could speak or even smirk it would. Likely say something under the lines of...' You think that a victory?... we will kill her eventually.' It then put its hand over the mans mouth and moved his head to the side and then its second mouth shot forward and ended the mans life. He was too old to be a host anyways. ------------------------------------------ Ramiro was on the third floor of what would soon be a office building. When it got finished that is. He was in a kneeling position and driving nails into the wall with a nail gun. He was playing some classic spanish music from his radio as he went about his work. Occasionally reaching over to take a swig from a 44 ounce soda he got from circle k. It was filled with Yutani lemon soda. It was pretty good. The work was pretty easy then it was a couple weeks ago when he had to use a giant sledge hammer. He smirked and shrugged it off. He was whistling and humming to the music. Then suddenly he heard something. A loud screeching sound. Loud enough he could hear it over his own music. He spun around pressing stop on the radio. "What the hell was that?...." He said. Then he saw a fellow mexican coming around the corner. "Did you hear tha...." He was about to finish his sentance but noticed something wrong with Javier. "Javier?.. what happened to you man?" This guy was much thinner then he was. Still a tough hombre if you tried to fight with him, but he wasn't the same man he saw this morning. He had the look of fear and his jeans were wet. Not with piss but with blood. He traced the stain to a spot in the mans pants. Blood was squirting out. Ramiro reached down to try and stop it. He could feel the mans breathing. The only thing holding him was a fire axe. Then it came around the corner. Tall black ugly. Uglier then himself and that was saying something. "What in the damn hell...." It stepped forward and he grabbed the fire axe from Javier placing him against a bar making sure he was steady. The thing came forward ever closer to him. "You stay back now,... whatever the fuck you is." It did not seem to be intimidated and with a flick of its tail the sharp spear head flew forward towards him. He was barely able to block it. IT hit him with a lot of power in the swing. He swung back his axe taking a good chunk off. He thought he had the edge but when he went to swing again he saw it look to the axe head. He narrowed his eyes and then glanced over and saw it smoking and melting from the blood. He dropped the axe quickly.. "What the fuck... acid for blood? Now that is some fucked up shit right there." He said. He then turned and looked to the nail gun. He ran for it and the Xenomorph came right after him. He dived for the floor just in time to see it fly over him and through the wall in front of him. It smashed through it like it was nothing. He picked up the nail gun and saw it getting back up. He pointed and fired. The nail gun nailing it causing it to scream. Oh he did not like that... it was as if his ears were bleeding. He fired again and again. Trying to find a weak point. He then took a aim at its head and began firing. It rushed at him as he did so slamming its head into Ramiro. This action forced the nails in its head to go deeper inside it killing it. It did however leave a few good sized bruise marks on Ramiro. Ramiro remembered the blood and crawled away as fast as he could. He walked over tossing the nail gun down and just stared at it. The gun was out of nails anyways no more use for it. Ramiro was breathing heavily. That hit knocked the wind out of him. He gulped and then heard snapping and then it hit him. "Ah....shiiiiiittt!" He screamed as him and the Xeno fell through the floor. They fell through the second floor and hit the bottom floor pretty hard. Enough that the lights went out for Ramiro. When he woke up it was to something shaking him. He looked up and saw a woman leaning over him. She was young and pretty too. "Good your alive...." She said. He rose up and looked around and sighed. "What?... you thought you died and gone to heaven?" She asked and he moved his hand up left and right. "Kinda..." He said. She smirked and rose up and offered her hand. "I saw you fall. Impressive that you took one on your own." She said. "Names Taki...." She said. Ramiro accepted the hand and with her help lifted himself off the ground. "Ramiro.... you can tell the foreman I quit." He said. He heard a giggle coming from her. "Your funny for a old guy." She said. "Hey I am old, but not that old...." He retorted. She nodded and pushed something up against him. When he looked down he saw a gun. "Take it... I am going to need your help in this. It's owner doesn't need it anymore."