[hider=Heike][center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/akamegakill/images/6/68/Spear_Anime.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20141024192638[/img][/center] [center][h3]"It's a... trap?"[/h3][/center] [b]Sprite:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EajJ7R0.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Heike [b]Nicknames/Title:[/b] Having never lead his own congregation, Heike has no official or unofficial titles. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Marital Status:[/b] Forever Alone [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Not so much Asexual as unexplored and annoyed by the idea. [b]Family Ties:[/b] His former Master, Werthmann [b]Class:[/b] Ex-Priest [b]Weapon Mastery(ies):[/b] Staves (Not in use), Spears [b]Inventory:[/b] Iron Spear Vulnary x3 (2) [b]Personality:[/b] Heike is an open book when it comes to his current mood. Whether it be annoyed, excited, depressed, or angry. Despite this he isn't particularly prone to mood swings, and generally adopts a fairly neutral disposition. He is also a man of firm conviction, perhaps a little too firm. His allies will always be his allies, his enemies will always be his enemies, right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong. It takes the most extreme of circumstances to change his mind, however it's not impossible. In fact, it's happened at least once in his past. A past he is not comfortable speaking of. Despite being an open book on his emotions, his history is a door he prefers to keep firmly shut. He will shoot down any attempts to uncover it with a smile at first, and then with escalating irritation and anger quickly afterwards. He's lost more than one traveling companion over the other being too nosy. Aside from this, his history as a priest has instilled him with a great passion towards the sick and wounded, and he always tries to carry healing supplies with him into a fight, sticking close to his friends in case of an emergency. While he has steeled himself towards a more bloody path in life, he will stop fighting to tend to the wounded if the situation is dire, even leaving himself open in the process. It's resulted in him receiving scorn and praise in equal parts. [b]Biography:[/b] Heike was given to the priesthood of one of the many churches in the capital of Frosspeak at a young age. He was one too many mouthes to feed for his family, and they were compensated fairly for his future service. While many followers became monks, illuminating the darkness of the world with the scriptures and magic, Heike was taken instead to be raised in the arts of healing. A talent he excelled at from an early age. In the middle of the city, there was no shortage of illness, especially in the area his church was located. He spent years practicing with herbs, and studying the scripture, until he finally earned his right to use a staff. At that point in his youth, not even saving a life filled him with as much pride as carrying his own staff. It was presented to him by Master Werthmann, a figure of authority within the church, one said to even associate with His Holiness from time to time. He was a man built like a berserker and gentle as a mother. Their first meeting inspired Heike with awe, and he threw himself at the large man's knees, begging to be taught under him. All the pride he had been filled with at receiving his staff was cast away from that one chance to follow this man. And follow him Heike did. They left the inner city, and he found his new home in largest church in Frosspeak. It was a massive cathedral where, if the congregation was blessed, His Holiness would even preach a sermon on occasion. Here Heike found his new home, with a new teacher, and a new purpose. Sadly, that purpose seemed to be more scripture. While the monks honed their magical abilities for the assistance of others on the road, the Cathedral was in the wealthiest part of the city. Very few sick that weren't nobility ever made their way to the building. Instead, Heike's skills rotted while he was taught to give sermons, eventually destined to lead a congregation instead of healing the sick. It was never a fate that sat well with him, but it was a fate he resigned himself to all the same. Everything changed very quickly for him on his sixteenth birthday though. Prince Alexandro of Jotenvarr had fallen extremely ill, and Master Werthmann was dispatched as an emmisary to assist the Kingdom's priests in their efforts to cure him. More as a measure of goodwill (and Heike now suspected, a bit of espionage) than anything else. The Kingdom's priests were competent after all, and doubtless didn't want Master Werthmann directly treating the prince for security reasons. Heike accompanied his master on the journey, and stayed in Jotenvarr for the better part of a month while the prince recovered. Meeting the man who would rule Jotenvarr changed Heike's life, and likely destiny. They didn't speak often, but there was a... magnetism to the prince that drew Heike to him. A genuine goodness, and powerful charisma. It was the same sort of awe that took hold of him the first time he met Master Werthmann. Alexandro was a person to admire, a person to follow. That, and being able to help someone sick again had helped remind Heike why he had fallen in love with the church in the first place. It was what he considered the best month of his life, and upon leaving Jotenvarr he felt... empty. Almost to the day, one year later Heike left the priesthood, in such a violent temperament it was muttered about for weeks afterwards. He managed to make his way out of Frosspeak unaccosted, despite expecting to be killed before he even left the Cathedral. Once his homeland was behind him, he snapped the head of his staff off, as a final breaking away from his old life. He did work in a border town for a time, trying to find a purpose for his life. When the calling came from the palace to find guards for the king, Heike didn't hesitate to set on the road towards the capital. He had a blacksmith fit his former staff, now a walking stick, with an iron spearhead, and he practiced fighting with anyone that would travel with him on the road. By the time he reached the capital, he was far from a seasoned warrior, but his burning determination would hopefully make up the difference.[/hider]