[h3]Vega Ashworth | Festival[/h3] [color=slategray]"Can it four-eyes, this IS my idea of relaxing, and didn't I just tell you to sit back? No need to get so heated"[/color], he yelled back at Odinn. His attack being countered wasn't unexpected, he managed to easily avoid his magic being countered, but his kick's strength not so much. Still it wasn't much to him. The portals all opening up, it seems this guy was going to get serious. He hadn't fought this guy before, so he had no idea what he was about to do, as she said, he definitely wasn't going to like it... Then again he didn't like any of these people. [color=slategray]"... You know what"[/color], he put his scythe away again, although this time he pocketed his knives... Then stood up, he breathed out, then in a gigantic explosion of his magic all around him, it didn't hit anything except maybe destroy Odinn's portals that were directly above him or a shockwave, but otherwise it didn't do much else, [color=slategray]"HRGH!"[/color], he with an almighty stomp completely cratered the ground below him using an ultra-dense concentration of his magic. His hands in his pockets, he kicked one of the stones created from the bit of debris before turning around towards the carnival exit, fiddling with one of his knives like he does sometimes, [color=slategray]"You guys are boring anyway, I'm outta here"[/color], this wasn't a good day for him at all... All that was on his mind now, was how he was going to handle that Odinn guy... Those portals, his magic seemed to prevent them from working on him like usual, but he couldn't exactly fight in his Death God's Veil. Gritting his teeth he continued to walk away from the area.