[color=#005ec0] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjAwOWRiOC5VbVZwSUUxcGVXRnRiM1J2LjA,/why-do-we-blink-so-frequently.regular.png[/img] [/color] Interacting with: Ky [@Raijinslayer] Odinn [@j8cob] Illedrith [@Lord SawSaw2] and others I may have missed <.< [hr] Rei, despite his cool and calm facade, he was actually biting himself for not being able to intervene or even help in the fight [i]because[/i] of the nature of his powers. It was a blessing and a curse at the same time. One of the reasons that he preferred to go on missions independently is because of his magic, basically, it is extremely difficult, or rather control his powers when he has allies attacking the enemy, especially Vega and Illedrith who basically come blow for blow instead of the usual far ranged casting most mages do. So he instead, reluctantly, opted to stay out of the fight, and didn't even try to do anything physically as it would get in the way. He just stood there watching the fight unfold, he would actually intervene if it was needed, but Odinn, Illedrith and Ky seemed to have the situation handled. It was also an interesting experience to watch the amalgamations of powers clashing. Odinn was getting more progressively angry, much angry than Rei had ever seen, you can feel the irritation in his voice. [color=slategray]"You guys are boring anyway, I'm outta here"[/color] The situation soon defused all of the sudden, with Ashworth waking away from the fight. Rei's demeanor wasn't for the better. He promptly turned to the rather displeased wizards who were now seemingly relaxing with their powers, [color=#005ec0]"I'll have a talk with the guildmaster about Vega's actions."[/color] he whispered outloud, again lightly bowing his head in an almost apologetic manner [color=#005ec0]"I'll also apologize for the action of my guild member once more."[/color]