[center][h2][color=gray]Evan Whitman[/color][/h2][/center] Evan continued to try to retrace his steps until he heard a voice calling out for him. He did not recognize the voice, but it was calling out his name. He hesitated for a moment. What if this was a serial killer or something? No, he was being silly... Maybe it was the authorities looking for him since he was gone. He wondered too if they had found Billy yet. He decided to follow the voice's direction and stay put. [color=gray]"HELLO?"[/color] he shouted once more in hopes that it would help the stranger find him. [color=gray]"I'M OVER HERE. CAN YOU HEAR ME?"[/color] His throat was starting to get all sore from the yelling. He longed for some hot tea and his bed. Today was already too much of an adventure for him.